I have known my best friend since we were 10. When we were around 18 we made a plan to go on a holiday to the US for a week when we can both afford it since we live in the UK. We would mention the plan every year or so and agreed we still wanted it to happen.

I have been with my partner for around 2 years now. Me and my friend are both 26 now and both of us started fairly well paid jobs this year with a generous annual leave allowance (Mine is 30 days a year and his is 26 days a year). We were talking about the holiday last week and we agreed we could probably afford to do it next year. We said we would start pricing it up and see how much we would need.

I was talking to my partner and mentioned that we were looking at doing it next year and she got annoyed. She said I shouldn’t be going because it takes away from a holiday we could have. I told her we would still be able to go on holiday next year since I would have the annual leave to use. She just said it’ll likely be an expensive trip and that I shouldn’t be spending a lot of money to go on holiday with other people.

I told her me and my friend have had this plan for years and I’m not going to tell him that I’m not doing it when it’s something we both want to do. She just repeated that I shouldn’t be using my annual leave and spending a lot of money to go on holiday without her. Does anyone have any advice on how they would handle this?

tl;dr my best friend and I planned to go on a holiday to the US when we can both afford it. We’re both in a position where we can afford it now but my partner is angry and saying that I shouldn’t be using a week of annual leave and spending a lot of money to go on holiday without her. Does anyone have any advice on how they would handle this?

  1. That’s selfish af for her to be like that. Not sure if you haven’t been treating her right/giving her enough attention, but I wouldn’t let her get in the way of your plans.

  2. I’d ask her why she’s really upset. I wonder if she has insecurities she’s not sharing and is worried about what you’ll do on vacation? Maybe having a good conversation about this and easing her worries will help. Regardless, I say go on the vacay because if you’re a trustworthy guy and just want to go on a trip with your friend, you’re doing nothing wrong.

  3. Your friend is a brother from a different mother. Don’t ever let a girl get between you two.

    I don’t think she’s being reasonable, but I don’t know all the background in your relationship. Do you have any idea why she’s being like that? Or could it be purely selfish?

  4. I’d handle it by going on holiday with my friend.

    She sounds immature, high maintenance and exhausting. If you’re really lucky she’ll break up with you over this and you can find a new GF who isn’t exhausting.

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