What is something the cheapest person you know does?

  1. If he drives us somewhere, he’ll estimate how much gas I owe him for the trip and “jokingly” tell me. He acts like he’s joking but it’s really obvious he’s not. And if I give him the money, he gladly takes it without hesitation.

    Even if it’s a 15 minute drive and he estimates that I owe him $4.

    Needless to say I don’t hang out with him very much anymore. I’m usually the one who drives everyone around and would never think about asking people for gas money.

    Also this guy never offers to pay for any gas when I give him a ride.

  2. He smokes partially finished cigarettes he finds in ashtrays outside businesses, especially gas stations.

    He was one of the weirdest non-crackhead regulars I ever had as a retail worker. I don’t have that side job anymore. I still see him around town, though. Lives in a nice neighborhood and drives a Lexus.

  3. A former female acquaintance of mine. She would never pay her share of meals for nights out. She would ask to borrow money for her share of meals then never pay you back.

    She was a nurse, paid quite well, but she spent all her money on designer bags and she expected everyone else to pay for her when going out.

    I introduced her to some CEO friends of mine at a party, and she tried to hit on all of them, trying to get them to take her out after connecting to their social media accounts.

    She was literally, such a parasitic leech. Her best friends were literally her YSL and Chanel bags she had in every photo of her on instagram, going to places in which she expected all of us to pay for her.

    Later, a friend who works in fashion told me she had several sugar daddies, and that was why she was so cheap and never paid for her share of anything when we went out in groups.

  4. Sends money requests for sums under $5. Also she used to post snapchat stories asking people to transfer her $10 so she could get lunch.

  5. I had a neighbor back home years ago. He offered a beer one day back when I used to drink. I accepted but quickly found out that it wasn’t cold. Not even close. In fact, it was warm. I asked why and he said nobody likes warm beer so this way he don’t usually have to share….fuckin guy trained himself to drink piss warm beer. That’s cheap!

  6. My stepdad is a multimillionaire but he wears such cheap and ragged clothes that people think he’s homeless during the winter. Drives a 12 year old car because ” he doesn’t feel the need for a new one “. Has a 30 year old Omega watch and wears 10-20 year old evening shoes instead of getting new one’s.

    He is giving when it comes to family and children, education but very frugal and cheap when it comes to his own lifestyle, a true minimalist.

  7. I knew a guy who would always look disheveled and pretend to be homeless. At night he had a circuit of regular Chinese restaurants where he got to know the staff and they would leave soup and other random food they would otherwise toss out out back in a bag for him. He’d make the rounds collecting it all and would use it as his meals for the week.

    He also had a few kids in a (third-world) country he didn’t do much to support. One of them made his own way to America and found a low paying job here. Fake homeless dad ended up convincing this kid that he somehow helped him get the job and so he owed him a portion of his paycheck every week. Being young and naive, he consented.

    Eventually pretend homeless guy lost his job (for smelling bad and looking homeless) and then proceeded to sabotage his son to the point of him losing his job, then he swooped in and filled the vacant job post previously held by his son.

  8. A friend used to tear tissues in half for her kids because they were little and had little noses

  9. When I was little my aunt (married into the family) use to wipe of paper plates (before they had coatings on them) so that they could be reused

  10. Parents held on to their old CRT until sometime around 2014. It would discolor (turn all purple or all yellow) and you’d literally have to smack it or open it up and jiggle wires to fix it)

    They kept holding on to it while it was broken like this for years “because it still works”

    This was at a point in time where the cost of a new TV at the same size woulda been roughly the same as their weekly groceries for a family of 5 and dogs&cats

    Not the only time they’ve stubbornly held onto something broken because it’s still somewhat operational

    For example, dads been holding on to a 13 year old HP laptop that takes 2-3 hours to boot because startup and checking for windows updates takes 100% cpu usage. He could literally just get a chromebook and be fine, but he stubbornly won’t just sunset the laptop that’s on its last leg

    Then again, they also steal silverware and small sauce/sides serving containers from restaurants, so who knows with them

  11. The cheapest person i know is a millionare.

    He rams sticks under his car hood to hold loose tubes and hoses into place.

    He chases pennies down on the street. He picks up moldy furniture people leave out for trash because he might use it later.

  12. He reuses one of those plastic gatorade bottles to fill with water, he prefers it over buying a water bottle because new water bottles taste strange but he saves money in the process (he is me)

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