In your opinion, do you think that the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial will change how society views domestic violence and abuse against men? Why or Why not?

  1. It won’t change a thing, I suffered violence from a previous partner and bruises go away, it’s what it does to your mental health

  2. No. People only remember what they want to, and what their bias tells them to.

  3. Not until we see that women can be do-ers and not just beings who have things done to them.

    Not until we understand that despite physical differences between men and women, it’s not a man’s place to be a woman’s verbal, emotional, or physical punching bag any more than it’s her place to sustain abuse from him. Doesn’t matter if you don’t think it hurts, or “he can take it.”

    Not until we understand that women are people and people lie and stretch the truth all the time.

  4. I actually think the effect will be profound.

    Heard very successfully used the social media mob who say we should uncritically believe every woman who accuses a man of abuse.

    The critics of that movement said that treating all accusers as victims and all accused as guilty is extremely dangerous.

    And it turns out they were right.

    Heard’s supporters, and there were huge numbers, have been brutally exposed as gullible at best and malicious, man hating idiots at worst.

    The trial shows both sides: even the most successful, charismatic and desirable men can be violently, savagely abused by a woman. And women can and do lie about abuse for their own benefit.

    The effect of making those truths visible will be considerably, I think.

  5. I’m doubtful. Society has already forgotten the travesty of the Duke lacrosse rape case.

  6. Nope, the media is already swinging it for amber. He had to spend millions to get his day in court and he’s probably going to get nothing for it.

  7. No.

    In two or three months, things will go back to where they were before.

  8. Won’t change a thing. Not for domestic violence against men, not against “always believe the woman”, not a thing. Most of the media has their narrative. Johnny Depp nor Amber Heard have enough clout to change that. Since the story doesn’t fit the narrative, it’ll get buried between weather and that dog who can bark the National Anthem.

  9. Not at all. The only reason people are paying attention is because they are famous. Once it’s over the majority will immediately forget everything.

  10. They’ll find a way to twist the truth and make depp the bad guy. But we all know who the good person is in this situation

  11. People care because its happening to a movie star and peoples crush and idol, the fact that he is a man is irrelevant and no one will remember this a month from now. Just as no one cared before, they wont start now

  12. Societal change is a slow process. I think it’ll be a solid step in the right direction, but things aren’t going to be radically different overnight.

  13. Of course not. It will be hashtag justicefordepp for a few months, and then back to begginning.

    Why? Because men are not taken seriously when it comes to those things.

  14. People will call it out for 2 weeks and then resume “man up” attitudes because people are not easily changed

  15. No, people will still “believe all women” before they believe a man. Honestly, we live in a society where it is incentivized to believe women. You could lose your job by simply saying “we should wait for the facts before we pass judgement” when a woman says she got raped or abused. The downsides to not believing a woman outright before any evidence are just too grave.

  16. Well for the last two days we got to enjoy a so called expert on IPV use “woman” and “victim” as interchangeable terms, she also used “man” and “perpetrator” similarly.

    And this has gotten zero reaction out of the press, so yaknow…

    It might help Johnny Depp’s personal situation a bit if he does win, but if he doesn’t win every newspaper will run a “Johnny Depp is a wifebeater confirmed by court” headline.

    If he does win good for him but it will change nothing. Change will require an acknowledgement of male victims that is just not going to happen. Male victims of abuse will continue to be ignored at best, more likely they will be punished and continued to be slandered as abusers if they do report, and people like Heard’s “expert” will never face repercussions for using their power and position to hurt victims of abuse.

  17. No. Any mention of Men’s rights, mens issues, or mens struggles is immediately shut down as though the mere acknowledgement takes away from women, somehow.

  18. Not until “regular” guys have their stories told and we see honest discussions on universities and throughout media.

  19. Nope, everybody will forget about it in a few days, then in time slowly support for Amber Heard will start surfacing and “everybody” will agree that people were way too harsh on her, wah, wah, something, something, Patriarchy.

  20. Remember when a woman cut off her husband’s penis and every woman alive thought it was hysterical? No, we are not changing.

  21. Not really, people still deny climate change.

    I see everyday women on Facebook screaming about how horrible JD is and how innocent AH is. Then use nothing but times where he had an altercation with men. They can’t point out any DA at all.

    Don’t get me wrong I am not saying JD is an angle.

  22. It won’t. I was an abused husband 30 years ago. Nothing has changed in the interim. Society wants to believe that only men abuse their spouses. This will be forgotten a few months after it ends.

  23. Itll bring some awareness, but it won’t change much. Many women enjoy the power the status quo gives them, plus its ingrained in us as a society at this point. Its going to take a lot more than one trial to get anywhere.

  24. No, because Johnny Depp is a strange, otherworldly guy whose life bears almost no resemblance to any regular person you know. The whole thing may as well have been a play about humans written and acted out by aliens.

  25. No. The Mcfeminists are already moaning about how the trial distracts from women’s issues. The moment it ends the people talking about it or citing it will be labelled as sexist and ignored.

    Never underestimate the power of people trying to make a living.

  26. Nah especially since way too many people are still defending Amber mostly only because she is hot

  27. No, almost every man has an ex like her. Its just another mini-series on the telly

  28. Nope won’t change anything. In all my past relationships I’ve had a women hit me or scratch me. Then have the audacity to say I deserved it. Could have knocked any of them into next week but when they would hit me I’d be totally caught off guard and be like WTF is happening.

    This shit is very real and If Amber gets taken down, that would be good enough for me. But I still see some people supporting her which is just insane.

  29. Change? Yes, but it depends which direction based on the verdict the jury gives.

    In the case of a verdict in Depp’s favor, domestic abuse against men would gain much more understanding, possibly leading to more positive change.

    If they rule in favor of Heard, that means the legal standing of an incompetent woman is greater than that of any man. That would set a very dangerous precedent that would discourage male abuse victims from seeking help. Men’s rights are already a joke, but this outcome would dash any man’s hopes of being seen as worth as much as a woman.

    Seeing as this country already wants to attack abortion access, I would be surprised if Depp gets any justice at all.

  30. No. The feminist movement has conditioned society to believe that domestic abuse is a gender issue (men against women), so even when people acknowledge there are male victims, they often downplay it like it’s an exception to the rule.

    Men may be more aware of abuse now, but I doubt it’ll change anything, sadly.

  31. duke lacross didn’t. paul nungesser didn’t. amy schumer admitting she raped her drunk boyfriend didn’t. so this is just another on the pile.

    i suppose there has to be a breaking point *somewhere,* but there would be an avalanche of changes if women abusing men was actually recognized for what it is and I see no indication of that happening.

  32. It’ll get better for Depp, but wider society probably won’t give a shit about male DV/abuse victims, as they didn’t before this.

    You as a man get abuse/DV/false-accusing, you’re on your own.

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