for context, i’m 20f and i’ve obviously never been in a relationship. i suffer from pretty bad social anxiety, so i can barely talk to ppl in a platonic way, let alone try and get a boyfriend…

but would my lack of experience be a turn off to a guy in the future? obviously, every guy is different, but i’ve been seeing a lot online that guys are put off by that? is there a reason for that?

  1. In your 20’s girl no. I’m 20 and I’ve had little relationships that lasted a couple months but I don’t even really count those!

  2. At 20? No. Guys will fuck pretty much anything that moves. Id advise to be very careful coz that lack of experience is what guys prey on very often. Though some men aren’t like this. Those men wouldn’t see it as a full red flag. They might see it as “proceed with caution” as there might be a reason you’ve been single for so long.

    In any case good luck and stay safe.

  3. I have seen so many posting similar threads of 20s feeling uneasy cos they don’t think they fit into the norm. Honestly in ur 20s, many r still exploring what they want from relationships, jobs, life, etc. And though ur peers may deem having a relationship is something cool or should have, it should be u to determine what u want and not them. And honestly it will be better to enter a 1 good relationship than 5 toxic relationships that ended up nothing good.

    I would also rather u to learn how to love and value yourself. When you do that, you will attract the right type of partner that knows how to respect and love you for who you are. But of cos you will also have to be open to know great guys so that you will find your Mr Right.

  4. No, not at all, I’m in the same boat and I’ve never had a relationship before. One will come with time I assure you, I still hope for it one day.

  5. Yup redflag
    Not a redflag because you’re young 20 no one had a “Real” relationship at that age

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