She wants another man in her life so bad instead of me so be it I already got the papers drawn and someone lined up to serve them, I came last to you for 10 years! I’m not riding the back burner no more.

  1. It hurts, but your righteousness and determination will carry you forward.

    I know that platitudes are not helpful when feelings are strong, but they can often be true.

    Would be great, when you meet the one that you are to truly spend the rest of your life with, who genuinely loves you and has joy spending each day with you, that you could re-visit this post and tell everyone that ultimately it was the best decision you ever made.

    Don’t give her anything else, not even any kind of emotion to take from you.

    Don’t look back, only forward.

  2. I’m sorry you’re going through this. You deserve better and you’ll find better.

  3. Take a deep breath and take control of your happiness. Tomorrow is the 1st day of the rest of your life.

    I wish you joy.

  4. Pull the trigger and have her served at work cause that will cause the most embarrassment

  5. Best of luck to you! I thought when I got divorced I wouldn’t ever be happy again. I found happiness again within myself and met a beautiful woman who I am now married to!

  6. Why would you deal with that for 10 years? That’s a long time! I’m sure you were dying inside every day. I hope you find some peace in all of this.

  7. Somebody needs to start a divorce subreddit; then change the rules of r/marriage to push this content there instead

  8. Yep run get the stepping move on get the stress out so you can get yourself happy and whole and on to the next one

  9. Thank goodness she showed her true colours before you had kids, or (I’m assuming) life changing injuries or illness after your accident.

    You were fooled, this eejit is choosing to destroy his family for a soulless ghoul. Pour your energy into getting better.

  10. Check out Coach Greg Adams’s on YouTube and get the books Free Agent Lifestyle and Deevolution

  11. Your angry good, use it to hit the gym hard and as medication to improve your life in every way possible. Trade her in for a younger model and be happy.

  12. Unfortunately, when the love is gone, it’s gone forever. However, you will find happiness again. This time you’ll be more wise than ever! Best of luck.

  13. I cheated at the very end, like the last 6 months of the relationship, coke addiction probably had something to do with it, I mean it wasn’t all personal use haha

  14. Well in another way good for you.

    Trust in yourself to move on and be gone of that b!tch.

  15. I’m happy for you. ❤️ This is how I felt when I filed to divorce my abusive ex.

    Stick to your guns and never take her back! Live the life you’d reserve and want, may the best happen to you now.

  16. Lucky it’s that easy, I’m married to a covert . This mf evil, sneaky and I’m freaking out.

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