I’ve seen this mentioned in some comments here before, mainly women saying that their long term partner or husband wasn’t the best sex they’ve had (sometimes over the relationship it does grow towards being the best though given time). I totally understand that there’s more to relationships than sex but I guess maybe I felt lead to assume that in the beginning before falling in love, if they just weren’t good in bed then they aren’t a good fit and the dating would fizzle out.
Is it actually more common for women to kind of be okay with non-mind blowing sex just to see if feelings do develop? I’ve kind of built it up in my head that if I’m not amazing the first time (especially compared to previous partners) then I won’t hear from them again and it’s too early for them to feel a connection to want to explore a relationship in hopes that I’d get better. Obviously if it gets to the stage of sleeping together then there’s already some interest there unless it’s purely attraction, but I was just surprised by those comments and wanted to know more.

  1. For me the time before a relationship is crucial because it easier to walk away if it’s not working out. No they don’t have to give me orgasms (my preference) but they have to be able to satisfy whatever intimacy I need. As well as alot of things can come up during sexual experiences that would make me walk away and not wanna be trapped in it for the long-term.

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