Men of Reddit: how did your view of your wife change after she gave birth?

  1. After kids. The view got better than when she was in her 20’s! 😍😍😍 I thank her numerous times for putting her body thru hell and making me a father.

  2. That she’s a badass. Moreso after the birth of our second child.

    For our first, she was induced. That means they give you medication to force her body to go into labor. That often means it also speeds up the process and makes the contractions stronger. Took about 5ish hours from start to finish. Imagine doing 5 hours of ab crunches and you’re not allowed to stop or quit, no matter how much it hurts. And while you’re at it, you’re pushing a cantaloupe out of your nether regions.

    For our second, she didn’t have to be induced, but the labor was so quick that she delivered without pain meds and “dry”. Her water hadn’t broken but due to her having Strep B, they wouldn’t break her water until the baby’s head was crowning. I think from the start of active labor to baby in arms was 45ish minutes.

    Yeah, my wife’s a badass.

  3. I thought it was pretty metal that all her organs were out and all the baby organ supplies were just out on the operating table.

    Not something that seems very fun.

    So I think we grew closer

  4. Watching her through three pregnancies and births, I’m frankly still in awe. To see someone literally create a human out of food, then willingly go through what amounts to torture to give birth, and then go back and do it again and again is still hard for me to get my head around. It was so amazing seeing all her instincts kick in throughout the process like there was something deep inside her that just woke up when it was time to be pregnant and then be a mom. It was wild.

  5. Made me love her more. Watching what she went through to bring our boy into the world was amazing. After 18 hours of labor having to have an emergency c section and then recover from that after having her appendix almost burst while 6 months pregnant and having to have that surgery. The scars on her body from going through that is the story of our life and love and I think she’s more beautiful now at 47 than when we met at 28

  6. I have a story from my dad. My mom almost died giving birth to me. He said it was the greatest sacrifice anyone could have made. She gave up her life, her health, her body, everything for him. He said he works everyday to earn her love because he can never repay her for it. They’ve been married for 40+ years.

  7. When I look at her I see the mother of my children. And nothing could change my love for her due to the sacrifices she made for me and the kids. Bodies change as we age and as life happens. Is hers the same after kids, no. Just like I am not the same as when we were married. But when I look at her I am just as attracted to her as ever, if not more. 21 years and my admiration for her just continues to build.

  8. Watching my wife give birth with zero pain meds last year was insane. What a fucking warrior! Then to see her throw her clothes back on and walk to her room less than an hour later…insane. My wife is a fucking badass and she doesn’t even realize it.

  9. My love grew immensely and I’m in awe whenever I think about it.

    My favorite joke before witnessing a childbirth was “it has to hurt more to be kicked in the nuts than giving birth, because no man says “let’s try that again”, but women do”

    After seeing what my wife went through I’m taking a kick in the nuts over giving birth any day!

    Also.. I actually find her even hotter than before. I don’t know if it’s because my love for her has grown or she just looks good with stretch marks and a C-section scar, but damn that woman can get my blood running

  10. She went into labor on our first baby when her folks were 9 hours away. I called them and they headed toward us. When she was close to delivering, she asked for my MIL to come in. I didn’t know this was going to happen. And when MIL walked in, wife cried out, “Mommy!” I had never heard her say mommy to her mom. I guess in that moment, she was like a little girl again. When the moment came to push and deliver, she and my MIL worked as a team and stayed locked eye-to-eye. I stopped watching the birth and was watching what those two had going on. Never saw two people so locked in to what was going on. And she was coaching her through it. And when our daughter was born my MIL kissed wife’s forehead and said, “Baby girl, you just had a baby!” That just really hit me hard. There was just so much maternity on display in that room in that moment. Not only changed the way I saw my wife, but also my MIL. Such a powerful moment seared into my memory. Just amazing women in my life.

    sort of an interesting aside: When I was a petulant 11 year old, I got angry about something my mom who did or didn’t do something for me. And I said it. I said the word. I called her the B word. My dad is a pretty quiet and unassuming dude. He reminds me of the Wheeler’s dad in Stranger Things. When I said that, he got up, grabbed me by the shirt front, picked me up off the ground and slammed me hard into the wall so that we were eye to eye. I’ll never forget how hard my head hit the wall. Then he said in a tone I will never forget, “Listen here, little man. She may be your mother, she’s also my wife. And no one talks to my wife that way. NO ONE.” – – And after my wife became the mother of my children, I totally understand my dad now.

  11. I literally saw her vagina split open and become one with her anus as she bared her teeth, looked at me with bloody murder in her eyes, all as a gruttal barbaric inhuman sound seemed to shred its way right out of her throat and into my nightmares.

    5 seconds later she was holding a tiny human in her chest, eyes as big as saucers shining brighter than a newly waxed tyre rim asking me in the tinniest voice about why our daughter was snorting as she was breathing.

  12. She became my hero, really. I always admired her but after having the baby, being able to be a mother to another child and continue her career made me realize how amazing she was. She’s even more beautiful to me than ever but in a deeper and more meaningful way!

    Edit: typo

  13. My wife is a badass. She gave me 3 awesome children, she continues to work a full time stressful job, she takes care of the house when I’m on the road, and she’s a great mom. I certainly outkicked my coverage with her. Couldn’t be more fortunate or proud to call her my wife.

  14. The men in these comments are such beautiful people. I wish there were more of you out there

  15. Respected her alot more… I could never push a 8lb human out of me or carry that thing around for 9 months

  16. She is not one to fuck with. My wife pushed out two 9lbs+ babies within 24 months of each other. She is the absolute best person to be the mother of my children and while we have differences in our marriage, that has never wavered.

  17. Remind me in 24 hours. We’re currently in the hospital. Her induction started about 6 hours ago. Just started the Pitocin drip. I’m more scared than she is.

  18. Well, ex wife now, but she’s a strong ass person! Tried to go natural and was about 12 hours in without any epidural, but gave in and I encouraged her to do whatever she desired. I felt even more in love at the time especially seeing her hold our child for the first time.

  19. I admire her, she put down a platform before the kids with her career and what she wanted to do and we agreed things would go a certain way. She took 4 months off after each and went back to work and had 6 months off till they turned 1 and went to daycare. It was the best time of my life!

    I worked 8 – 3 and did the majority of the kids and house stuff till they both reached school. She’s a badass she looks better now than she did when she was 23, we are getting old now and she’s still an awesome partner and mum. Things have slowed down a bit but she always makes time for me, respects decisions I make in life and with the kids and that’s all I could ask for.

  20. Gonna be honest, it didn’t change at all. She was badass before giving birth and she’s badass now.

  21. My view didn’t really change all that much, honestly. She is the most beautiful woman before, during, and after. It’s been 7ish years since she was last pregnant, and I can still see what pregnancy did to her body. I know she’s self conscious about some of the permanent things like the stretch marks and how her hips got ginormous, but honestly she’s so fucking hot now. Her bigger hips gave her bigger thighs and the breastfeeding made her boobs permanently bigger. Also she’s got a booty on her. Drives me wild. If I hadn’t gotten a vasectomy, she’d have gotten pregnant so many more times.

  22. She’s amazingly strong and badass. Whoever came up either Males being the stronger sex was insane. Looking at the little bugger right now (he’s 3) and I can’t believe she gave us such an amazing little guy. I mean I helped but it was minimal. Lol

  23. I never thought this jaded heart of mine could feel such love and admiration. Watching my wife become a mother and take care of our son has given me a new perspective on life. I feel so grateful to have experienced it and I will do anything to take care of them. 10/10 would recommend, it’s hard but so worth it.

  24. I get emotional thinking about it. It’s hard to explain, but something changed within me when I witnessed my wife give birth. The strength, resilience and bravery that I witnessed in her for almost 24 straight hours was honestly life changing.

    We had a very difficult birth. Our daughter struggled to make it. Being faced with that and seeing her power through everything thrown at her that day made me love her more than I ever thought possible. I knew I loved her, but now I love her so much that sometimes it almost hurts my chest when I think back on that day. She’s the sexiest, most beautiful, kind, compassionate, creative and strong woman I’ve ever known. She’s the rock of our family, and I’m honestly not sure what I would do without her.

    So…to answer your question, I loved her a lot more.

  25. Something happened to the way I viewed her after our 2 kids. I cant explain it but its almost like I fell in love with her all over again. I truly can’t explain just how attracted to her I am now. Has to be something with how I’m wired or some shit. Whatever it is. I love it.

  26. She became like a superhuman to my eyes, I’ve always adored and admired her with all my will. But after seeing her give birth she became like a godess to me.

  27. My wife is a milf now. Before she was cute. God damn If I had to pick between now and before kids, I’d pick now 100%. There is some so hot about it. She’s a fox, milf, and one hell of a woman.

  28. It just proved to me how strong she really is. And that she’s a real badass warrior b****, as she puts it. She gave birth to 4 kids without drugs and they all had my huge head.

  29. My oldest almost died at birth. She couldn’t breath right so they had to do suctioning to get out some fluid. Had a raspy cry for a year.

    Second birth was a c-section and tubal ligation. Both times I got really squeamish around the blood and guts but loved the girls when they were born.

    Still want to bang the shit out of my wife whenever I get the chance and she likes to slap my ass so yeah, nothing much changed.

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