I (F23) met this guy (M26) over an app, we had a great time and clicked so well from the get go. We had so many shared opinions, interests and our backgrounds and upbringing were very similar as well. He was initiating to have night outs the first two dates, and i treated him to dinner on our 3rd date. He even ended up introducing me to his friends that same evening (they happened to be in the area) and invited me and my friend to hang around the city with them the next night. Everything was going so well and i could tell there was chemistry. After the night of fun ended, i went to his place, we talked and drank and agreed that we really enjoy each other’s company and he even said that he has good intentions with me. We ended up hooking up, i slept over at his place and he made food and we watched random videos. After i left, he texted me the next day asking how i was, i responded and only heard back from him hours later with the driest response. Two days later i sent him a meme on the gram and he didn’t respond until hours later saying he didn’t get the meme. I explained it in 2 sentences and was left on seen. Ever since, it’s been almost a week and he’s not texting me like at all. This is unusual because before we hooked up he was texting me quite frequently. I am quite disappointed because i felt that he was going into it with purpose and i didn’t notice he wanted something casual with me. It’s sad because i started liking him and it’s been a long time for me to click with a guy so well, i feel like i got played big time despite telling the guy that i wasn’t looking to get into a relationship but rather wanted to get to know him better and spend time hanging out. I’m not going to reach out to him anymore and i’m just trying my best to move on but i can’t get him out of my mind.

  1. I’m not sure you can claim you were played. it is more of a lack of interest. in addition you admit that you told him you didnt want a relationship and just wanted to hang out. what did you get played for? you mutually had a great time hanging out and you mutually had sex. what did he get out of it that you didnt?

  2. As much as it hurts to say, it could just be post nut clarity? He could of thought he liked you and then you guys had sex, and he maybe realized its not what he wanted? It has happened to me before!

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