So some context, we’ve only been together since April. Been talking since February. We’ve gone through so much together in this amount of time, especially her.

In March, she had a traumatic experience while she was in physician assistant school. She suffered a Brain Aneurysm, and I was with her everyday in the hospital for 13 days and making sure she was okay, making sure she had support, had a study buddy, and made sure she felt loved. We were so happy with each other. I wanted her to be the last one I ever wanted to be with.

Throughout our relationship, I had a habit of lying and hiding things from her. I made silly mistakes that hurt her. The one that really hurt her was her finding a picture in my phone of a girl I said I deleted, but didn’t. She was a past girl I never had a relationship with, but I knew her. She assumed I was cheating with her, however I’ve never messaged or met up or did anything physical with anyone. That was her last straw with me.

That was going to be my 3rd chance cause I lied about looking through her laptop (and found a message with a guy I didn’t like and was telling her intimate details about our interests and about our relationship she didn’t even tell her best friend).

After I found the message, I believed we can work through it. This was before she caught me with the pictures. I froze up in the car as she confronted me and was speechless.

There was never anyone in this world I loved so much. She actually called me a few days after to apologize for all the hurtful things she called me and said to me. It was all out of anger and her trying to make me feel the hurt she was going through. I take full accountability and admit my wrongs.

I wanted your guys’ opinion on my idea to apologize her. If she wants to work through it or not, I’m okay with the result. This is not me trying to manipulate her in to feeling bad or me expecting her to get back with me. Just as long as she knew that I fought for her and cared for her. And obviously, change my bad habits.

There’s this music video by common – “come close”.He drove to her house, and he used posters and drew on them to express how he felt about her and what he wanted to do in future with her as she watched from the balcony. Kind of like a Romeo and Juliet type of scene but modern with a hip hop twist.

I wanted to put my own twist on it to say how sorry I am and how much I truly love her. What do you guys think? Any ideas on what I should draw or just opinions if I should or shouldn’t do it are welcome! I really need your guys’ help. Thank you.

  1. Just remember that if things work, love doesn’t leave. It always tries harder to be better and to love that person whatever they are going through. Maybe you both made mistakes and you will always make mistakes. But are you willing to always work through those mistakes? If this is love then I hope it works for you and you for it.

  2. You apologized to her for looking through her laptop and now you want to apologize to her because she looked through your phone? Kinda double standards and you are probably getting walked on

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