My Ex (22M) and I (20F) broke up two months ago cause i found his verified bumble account. When confronted he adamantly refused that it’s his and even till now he refuses it’s his cause apparently he found out his 13 year old cousin made it and confessed. Now the thing is that impossible cause fake verified bumble account get flagged within twenty minutes (i know it cause i tried to see how it worked) and u have remake it all over again so ur account would be new here all over again bit his fake verified didn’t have that tag. So anyway he’s a cheater.
Now he keeps on begging me to take him back and to give him another chance and i just don’t respond and block him. Yet he still continues even tho while trying to get me back he’s official back on bumble (he joined it four days after our breakup). I don’t understand why he won’t leave me cause i’ve made it clear by no response and blocking that i’m not going back to him.

TL;DR : My cheating ex keeps texting me to give him another even tho i don’t respond and block him and i don’t understand why.

  1. Because he wants to. So you need to start documenting all of his attempts to contact you and see what it would take to get a restraining order.

  2. He thinks he can filibuster the breakup, so you just have to keep not engaging and not responding. It sucks that he won’t get the hint but some people think if they’re persistent they can get what they want.

  3. He wants you back and realizes what he probably lost with you. He is on Bumble at the same time as a back-up plan because he knows he really messed up and is likely to still lose you. But, he might continue trying for a little while to see if you will react or engage with him or show him some attention in some way. So, it is important that you remain consistent in your stance of no contact.

  4. The online relationships are.for masturbation but you are the real thing for when he wants the real thing. He’s gonna get pirn induced erectile dysfunction soon. Tell him that’s not your problem and to go away. In other words, give him the facts and don’t indulge his fantasies.

  5. He’s stalking you, log everything and go to the police maybe all it needs is an officer to go over and chat. Be carful of online dating just incase he fakes being someone else. I suggest using a paid site somewhere you know him or his friend’s wouldn’t go onto. Also watch Mathew Hussey he’ll teach you to find a good man, it worked for me!

  6. He sees you as a valid choice because your around and thinks you are easy to get back rather then meeting new chicks.I hope this helps!

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