So I’ve been talking to this girl for a while and it seems things are going well. We chat every so often and we made plans to go get something to eat soon. I had to cancel our first meet up due to an emergency.

We also recently talked on the phone for about an hour and she said she really enjoyed talking to me. It went very well.

I know she says that she’s very busy with other things, so often she won’t reply to text messages for hours or even a couple of days. I want to give her her space as well.

Should I just play it cool for now? I won’t message her until she responds back. I think I’m just overly self conscious that maybe she doesn’t want to talk to me or she might be talking to other guys. We’re not dating or anything so I understand that she’s free to talk to anyone she wants.

What do you guys think? Just play it cool until we meet up? Any advice is appreciated!

  1. Yea i think you should play it cool. No need to overly invest in this situation as you didnt know how things would play out

  2. Just meet up sooner rather than later. You’ll know when you meet. Better know now than later.

  3. Plan another date asap. If someone cancels on me and doesn’t plan another date right away, I typically think they’re a flake and not really interested. That may be why she’s texting you less frequently, she’s not prioritizing you any longer because you seem uninterested.

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