There is this girl that works at a nearby store. I have been working up the courage to talk to her but it’s often really busy there. Would it be weird to give her a note that says “Hello! I’ve seen you working here and thought it would be nice to get to know you. If you’re interested, here’s my number. No pressure, just a friendly gesture.”

The thing is, I don’t want to make her uncomfortable or put her in a situation she doesn’t feel like she can back out of because she’s at work. Would it be appropriate to just hand her this note as I’m checking out?

  1. Before I give you advice I just want to say that you should only ask her out if you can and will act normal and move on if she rejects/ignores you. If you think you’re the type to bring it up next time you see her, ask her out another time, or treat her in any way differently after, then don’t bother asking her out. If she acts like it never happened, then you should as well.

    When you ask, you could try at times when it’s less busy. Just hand her the note and walk away when she starts reading it. She won’t have time to reject or accept in person, and probably won’t feel that uncomfortable, but she has your number if she’s interested.

    And I would suggest shortening it. Like “I think you’re pretty cute. Go out for a coffee? :)” and then add your phone number. Change the message however you want, but try to keep it at the same length. Idk just try to make it cute. You don’t need the extra “no pressure” stuff. They are fully aware that they can say no.

  2. Or U have the balls to actually talk to her. Women prefer a man to do that rather than a boy who passes notes

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