If / when you’re single how often do guys shoot there shot ? And how often/ what rate do you get rejected?

  1. How often inside to try varied.

    But the rejection rate was typically 99%.

    Now I don’t bother. I do FWB with actual friends.

  2. Ive been single for about a year and have yet to shoot a shot.

    But im kind of old(42) so idk if that helps much.

  3. Depends. When I was first single after being married, I used to shoot my shot pretty much any time I thought I had a chance. I would strike up conversations with a lot of women and if it seemed like she was interested I would shoot my shot, and I can’t even count the amount of rejections or the rejection rate, but you miss all the shots you don’t take!

    Now I’m happily single and don’t really have much interest in getting laid all that often, maybe a couple times a year or so at most, so it’s way less often lol. I only really do this if I meet someone and there’s that spark or instant connection which is cool when it happens, or if I’m at a party and meet someone and it just goes down that road on it’s own.

  4. framing it as shooting your shot is putting too much pressure. just try to make conversation when the opportunity arises, not very difficult. if it’s a good interaction and she’s laughing and seems like she enjoys my presence i’ll ask for her number.

  5. In a year I’ll shoot about 2-3 shots and land 0-1. Sometimes chicks will shoot their shot but it’s the ones that aren’t my type.

    Now if I want some sort of guaranteed success I’ll just go on bumble.

  6. I don’t shoot my shot unless we’ve been talking for awhile and I don’t really count success/failure rates bc I don’t think that’s helpful. You either find someone who likes you back and has room for you in their life, or you don’t.

    The whole number’s game bullshit is super detrimental to the modern male psyche imo.

  7. I generally don’t hit on women I don’t know.

    It’s usually someone I know and have been talking to for a bit. I see if they’re up for coffee or hanging out without mutual friends or whatnot.

  8. Due to my introverted lifestyle I rarely meet women. I work and I play D&D. Once every few years *maybe* I’ll cross paths with someone who meets the magical combination of being both available and interested.

  9. I get rejected 0% of the time, because I never try.

    Because there’s literally no point and I’m at a point in my life I don’t need someone to roundhouse kick my ego and self esteem right in the balls. They’re already held together by Elmer’s glue and sticky tape.

    So yeah, I just don’t take shots because I know what the answer is gonna be, and to be honest- I don’t need to hear it.

  10. It’s been 4 years but I was heavy into online dating I would shoot my shot dozens of times a day haha. 99% rejection rate but still had dates every weekend. One of which lead to the awesome relationship I’m in now.

  11. Go to bar. Hit on 20 women. Hopefully you get one number. 50% chance it’s fake. Next night go to another bar. It’s a number game.

  12. When I was single, I would shoot my shot maybe once a month. My rejection rate was about 90%, but closer to 99% if were talking about a date rather than just getting digits

  13. Men often get rejected compared to women at an increased rate because men are always the one initiating contact first no disrespect. That’s why men face a higher rate of rejection.

  14. I am a gym goer- highest level athlete possible, not a bad looking dude, I shoot my shot with maybe 4 girls a year, I turn down more than that, and they all reject me or are already dating other guys and just want to use me to get way too emotionally attached just for the hell of it and it’s nice and annoying at the same time. I put a hard stop on it usually. Can’t get congruent with this chicks man I swear. Been single since 10th grade I’m 27 now. Only recently gotten insane amounts of female attention was invisible until the age of 25

  15. *”If / when you’re single how often do guys shoot there shot ? And how often/ what rate do you get rejected?”*

    Did ChatGTP ask this?

    Anyway, depends on the man OP.

  16. Idk what rate I was rejected. I had great success with OLD most weekends however. I would have 2-3 dates with different chicks. But I think my advantage was that I wasn’t looking for anything. So even if I was rejected a time or two I didn’t care because I wasn’t invested. But I never invested because I actually didn’t want to feel hurt. Funny how that works

  17. Last time I shot my shot was about 6 yrs ago. Haven’t done it sense, I just don’t really care for dating all that much anymore.

  18. My chances are about 75/25. I’ve rarely been rejected because I’ve never really tried hard. I have charisma for sure, but I didn’t want to give it a shot unless I knew 100% for sure she also had an interest for me, which means she had already displayed herself to me in such a way that makes it hard to deny her interest in me before my interest in her

    I’ve had 33% of girls initiate the first step. I’ve never rejected any one of those, though in hindsight, I should have known better with 3 out of the that 33%

  19. At 43, I just about never try anymore. I was married for 14 years and had a girlfriend briefly after my divorce. For the last three years, I’ve realize I’m way happier being single and seeing prostitutes whenever I feel like I need sex.

  20. When single, I shoot like Steph Curry… I shoot often.

    You never win if you never try. My success rate stays around 30-40%, which is pretty good for me.
    That means a Reject Rate around 60-70%.

    In my area, it’s cool b/c the women out number men 17:1

    No matter what happens, whether the shot lands or doesn’t, Fellas remind yourself that you are “The Catch, The Prize”. She dictates whether or not you get sex; you determine whether or not she gets “wifed”.

  21. I’ve set a personal goal to ask someone out once a month this year. Only people I’ve had what I would consider a positive interaction with before.

    I’ve been on 2 dates first dates, and 1 second date, rejected 6 times. They were all very nice and we are still very friendly when I see them regularly. I would not be surprised if one of them approaches me in the near future.

  22. Last time I took a shot I ended in the lowest pit of my life and needed therapy.

    So I elected to not.

  23. When I’m single I shoot my shot every single time I see an attractive woman I would like to fornicate with.

    And it’s about 50/50

  24. When I’m single I flirt with any girl I’m not attracted to. I’ll shoot my shot with the ones I am and I get rejected probably 50% of the time, but I’d say 10% of those will call me later on some booty call shit.

    I do get taken up on my requests way more than I would have thought I would. I’d rate myself a 7/10 140lbs 5’9/10.

    Nothing too impressive other than my penis, but they don’t know that going into it

  25. I used too shot and I guess I did ok, but that don’t mean much when the winning score is bat shit crazy. Is that a win? Not only that, really makes you feel special when your special #84. Naw you women can keep racking up your body counts and I’ll keep on keeping on doing what I like when I like. Since I’ve quit being part of the body count collection, my success in other areas of my life has skyrocketed

  26. I no longer bother any longer. I have lived alone for 20 years. Focused on helping raise my daughter. She is off leading a successful life. I am sixty. Women my age are old, just like me, lol.

  27. 100% rejection rate lmao but only tried with 4 girls. I absolutely suck at conversation but yeah I’m trying. Doesn’t help I’m high as fuck when I do but if you’re struggling like me ur not alone lol

  28. A lot, but that doesn’t stop me. It’s true that you miss every shot you don’t take and it never hurts to try. You’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but you’ll definitely be someone’s.

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