I am a female and 21 and got 0 friends . I feel like I’m old and believe that I’ve wasted my teenage years doing nothing and only being in my room . I wish I was 18 again or even 16 idk . I even tried apps like yubo where few were nice but other bullied me for my appearance. I’ve tried gaming and I pretty much suck at Fortnite and valorant. Only game I like atm is life is strange but it’s single player only. But even discord and yubo are full of 16/18 year olds I feel like everyone in my age has found their friend group and I’m still feeling so lost. I go only out with my mom and I’m pretty much at home every day if I’m not going to short trips where I only hang up with my mom or sister again . Is there something wrong with me ? I feel like every part of me is slowly fading idk . I am so tired of my life and I don’t even have someone I can text or call . Guys I’ve met only want nudes and I’m already traumatized and depressed af . Idk what to do :/

  1. Hey there!
    29M is here currently from Belgium.
    Trust me, nothing is wrong with you. Most of the ppl are careless and after a couple of messages they ghosting you, because they don’t get what they expect. It’s not your fault at all.
    If you want to talk about anything hmu.

  2. Don’t blame yourself for such things it’s totally not about u or ur appearance.. i think u should try going out with yourself first and do smth u enjoy/ love u need to love urself first .. explore some hobbies and trust me u will feel much better.

  3. Yo! Maybe we can practice with each other to talk and have the opportunity to build some form of a friendship. I game too, I play Fortnite and Valorant, I’ve also binged the life is strange series.

    I’ve gotta be honest, I think when we try too hard to make friends, we become disingenuous to ourselves. 🙂 if you feel comfortable enough, shoot me a message! Maybe we can play sometime and I don’t mind teaching you some tips and tricks to help make gaming more fun and less about winning.

  4. Try to focus on yourself and your improvement. Invest in your hobbies or interests. Sadly you won’t find much friends online. You have to go out there. So based upon what you like you can choose where to go. You like books? Library. You like games? Game shop. You like working out? Gym. You like animals? Volunteer at shelter. You like tea/coffee? Coffeeshop. Im pretty sure you get the drift. Once you get to your preferred destination try to strike a small conversation. Don’t take it too seriously make yourself a fun little experiment. Sometimes it won’t work sometimes it will. You’ll have bigger chances of developing a friendship if you become a regular visitor somewhere. Also don’t be harsh on yourself even when it won’t work out. Practice self care and compassion in the mean time. Remember all people are temporary but you are forever! Sending hugs!

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