So, to make things clear; Ex gf dumped me during worst period of my life 6months ago, she didnt care and it was too much for her (really serious illnes in my family, new job, deadlines and fights with now ex gf)

I was wreck after that, had some dates and casual sex. During that time I reached up to my ex but she didnt want to have anything with me anymore, she is not ready for a relationship and needs to reconsider what she wants. After couple months I met this girl im currently dating and its serious and she is basically spoiling me.

Five days ago my ex calls me, says that she really misses me and starts to cry. She said that she passed my house to pick up something and when she saw it started to cry and had to contact me.
I go out to meet her (mistake I guess) and tell her that Im dating somebody and that all of my needs that werent fulfilled in past relationship are now fulfilled.
She says that she dumped me because it was rough period between us and she liked someone new but it turns out she didnt like him and was wrong.

I have chaos in my head right now. This new girl checks 9/10 things I want from relationship, ex maybe 5/10 but the chemistry is simply AMAZING. When I saw her it felt like home but I kind of know it will turn to shit again.

Anyways I need some advice. Feeling really twisted in my head about this and only thing that I miss now is that current gf and I dont talk like I used to talk with my ex and that there isnt much chemistry. Ok we have sex every day but that other “mind” chemistry is not there.

+ bonus flavour, while we were in a relationship my ex had a few flirting situations which bothered me a little. And now she acknowledged that she liked someone when we broke up, I dont know if anything happened. It seems to me that that (and possibly other options) didnt work out and Im plan B. Cause she said when I reached out to her that she isnt ready and is looking for relationship in wrong places and wrong times and needs to fix that before anything else. It didnt make much sense then but now MAYBE it does. I dont know, maybe i have too much imagination.

Ex contacted me, im allready seeing somebody and my emotions are conflicting and all over the place

  1. No advice necessary. It sounds like you already know what to do. Your ex is clearly trying to manipulate you. Stay outta that mess homie

  2. You are right, you are plan B!

    She has always had a wondering eye so she dumped you the minute she could try something else. It didn’t work out for her so now she wants you back..

    Don’t do it! You deserve respect not be someone’s backup plan

  3. Stay away. Your ex is a train wreck. Some girls like her just lack integrity; when the going gets rough, they jump ship instead of figuring out how to fix it. She will do it again when the going gets rough. I can almost promise it.

    Stay with your new girl. She seems much better.

  4. Meeting the exes is always a mistake; as you write, there might be a bit/a lot of chemistry still lingering which might hide the memories of all that went wrong. I’m always on favor of a “no contact rule” for a very long time after breaking up. The risk of relapse is too big.

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