Something that left you thinking for a while

  1. Deleted now, but there was a guy like an hour asking why clits reminded him of throbbing dicks so much

  2. If I went down all the insane shit I’ve seen said or asked about women and men on reddit. I’ll be typing this question for a lonnnng time.

    Some are disguised as questions but normally it isn’t. One of the most disturbing comments I’ve seen made was a user on reddit claim she thinks more mothers should neglect and murder their sons out of some sort of revenge for the patriarchy and it got upvotes. .. that’s what I decided that was enough Internet for me on that day.

    Oh it got me thinking. Thinking about the cowards out there who are secretly saying horrible shit behind the comfort of their screens and why anyone would wish harm or death on innocent children but I guess evil people are out there.

    A question on this subreddit. Remember one saying “Straight men: Why do you enjoy beating your wives/girlfriends?” Year ago or so where the OP was just shoving stats in random men’s faces about domestic abuse and then starting being an asshole to all the straight men who told her they don’t beat their partners because apparently those men were wrong and she is right because “Stats she found online” said so. Tell me your chronically online without saying it

    Seriously, this subreddit sometimes feels like it should be called VentToMen or FreeValidationFromMen because some people don’t actually want to get mens answers. They just want men to validate their crazy opinions and thoughts and when they don’t like the man’s answers that challenges their insane worldview they start telling the men they are wrong.

    Like another question asked months ago which said “Men: Why do you think you’re superior to women?” and when most men laughed at absurdity at the question and saying they don’t. OP of that question proceeded to tell us men how we are wrong and how we all actually feel?

    Us men don’t know ourselves apparently. But crazy chronically online misandrists with their beloved “Stats” they love to spam everywhere and their past trauma they seem to love telling everyone about apparently do know us. 🤦‍♂️

    These questions are dumb

  3. *disclaimer it could have been a LARP/Lie

    Back in 2010 or so, on 99chan there was this guy who would go out on dates and the lady would go missing. Thought he got ghosted. But family of the chick would ask if him if they’d seen her. They became legit missing persons. Happened 4 times to the guy.

    Thread just died, People thought he had a split personality who was a serial killer. No conclusive answer given.

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