Short Version:

For some context, she grew up in a poor family in the countryside of a developing country, our views on money is vastly different.


Long Version:

I’m from a first world country so when we do hang out in her country, she feels bad about spending money on anythings thats ‘expensive’ even tho its cheap for me, these things include food, clothes, activities. I respect that and so try to avoid spending excessive money but I feel it’s getting tiring analysing every purchase as overpaying a little bit ruins the experience for her.

When I want to splurge a little bit on what I consider cheap clothes, I’ve opt to do it when shes not around, this secretive behaviour doesnt sit well with me tbh, I’d rather we be on the same page

I’ve also been trying to become more financially educated and sometimes bring up the conversation of money which leaves a bad taste in my mouth since I sound so priviledge talking about investing when people in her country barely make a few dollars a day.

I really want to bridge this gap between us but I’m not sure how to approach it… how are we to apprach the topic of saving and spending money for casual things, will we ever be able to see eye to eye on this topic?

So far, my plan is to strive to do fun things that don’t require money like photography, dancing, guitar etc but I honestly believe that ignoring money will do no favor for our future self

I am by no means rich or wealthy, but I live by my means and try to be frugal whenever possible… never thought I’d meet someone 10x more frugal than me


1 comment
  1. You, two, are in totally different economic positions. You do not have to worry about being homeless or not having enough money for housing or food. They are radically different ways of viewing money.

    Your post implies her view of money is wrong when it is based on experience and practical reality. You need to learn about her culture and the reasonable expectation on how much to spend on date. You shouldn’t try to force her to accept your standards. You seem to not notice you’re using a first world standard in a different environment.

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