Hi! Me and my girlfriend have a pretty good sex life but lately she has been asking me what I would like specifically in bed and complaining to herself that she doesn’t really feel me as excited as her… Any advice on what to tell her? I really am excited when I do it with her tho, but she is way more vocal maybe that’s why she feels like I am not that excited

  1. Think you answered your own question in regards to being more vocal lol but heres some additional advice for you… try some new positions ( tons of websites for that), buy some toys she might like (or you), roleplaying is fun (can be awkward at first imo, but you will get more enjoyment out of it the more into it you get) i mean theres alot of things you 2 can do yo add more excitement to ur sex life. Hope that helps!

  2. Just be open with her, nothing wrong with talking about each other’s love language and kinks, even better exploring and experiencing it with them.
    If your not as vocal just say that. If that’s something she wants from you then just try it out. It really is just about open communication with each other.

  3. Communicate. Talk to her about your concerns, tell her you do enjoy it but you’re not as vocal. That’s fine but compromise. That’s what relationships are about.

  4. Mix it up my dude! Positions, toys, straps, kinks, see what works and what doesn’t.

    You could also just be more in the moment and moan a bit or breathe heavy in her ear. Women really like it, just as much as you like hearing it from them.

  5. A moan or a groan to express when something feels really good goes a LONG way. When you are trying to please your partner and all you get is silence it’s hard to navigate. Is it good? Is it bad? Are they doing this just because I like it? Should I keep going or should I stop? You can really get in your own head when you’re receiving zero feedback during. And a little moan or groan of pleasure, or heavier breathing is a good way to do that without actually having to say anything.

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