Personally i consider myself a childlike person (not childish) in a sense that im very joyful about life and excited over small things, curious and imaginative, can be really expressive with my face, voice and body. Gullible and can be easily fooled (not in ways that would put me in danger, but rather at little things). Having an innocent (?) and trusting heart and view on life, that of a little kid and im not afraid to be like this because it also helps heal my inner child in a way. I like being happy. This doesn’t make me mentally immature because i feel like i am actually mentally mature inside, but childlike on the outside. I dont think the two are related.

When it comes to social situations, i can act a bit like this and combined with my social shyness (not really anxiety but i can be a mixture of nice/shy a bit too much with people other than close close family) and i feel like i act like a child.

I don’t really know how to explain but my whole being seems to me like it could look like a pick me behaviour. I don’t do this on purpose, I don’t “try to be cute” on purpose, im not like this with just guys and i dont switch it on and off accoring to the people. It’s just me. It’s usually also more obvious with mostly adult figures (im 17) like teachers etc. (Probably unresolved inner child issues…or just personality) I have had both teachers call me something in the lines of something you’d tell a child when they’re being adorable and cute. I also recognise this behaviour everytime i speak with a teacher. And immediately regret being too “cute”(?) My nice/naive/shy behaviour. Probably annoying. (But i kinda feel like fear of rejection in social situations also plays a part in this. Hence being shy etc. But the innocent (?) confusion or over expression etc happens even when im on my own)

I don’t know if im going too far with this childlike behaviour but it’s just who i really am and i like being genuine so i dont want to fake my personality. I just don’t want to be seen as a pick me because it annoys me so much when i see people try to be cute at guys and “aww look at my haandzz they so smoolll” like damn im not like that.

How to tell if my behaviour is that of an annoying pick me??

1 comment
  1. It sounds like you’re just being true to yourself and embracing your childlike nature, so don’t worry about coming off as a pick me

    Keep being genuine and let your personality shine.

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