Where do I ask somebody that I know to hoco. I really don’t know. Do I risk it wait for the next school sporting event or ring her doorbell and ask her directly? Please share your experiences if you have any.

  1. Bring it up casually in conversation. “Hey, do you have a date to homecoming yet?” If she says yes, move on. If she says no, “would you want to go with me?” If she says yes, awesome! If she says no, all good, just smile and shrug it off.

    This can be done anywhere. If you keep it casual you reduce the social pressure. Be easy on yourself. Keep it simple and light. Take deep breaths.

  2. If you guys have been talking or anything for a while, maybe do a poster at her house or invite her to meet you somewhere away from crowds yk? Coming from a girl who recently graduated highschool and never got a poster-proposal to a dance, single or not, do it if it feels right.

    On the contrary, if you guys haven’t gotten that close, do something small like a letter or note or just asking her verbally.

    My biggest piece of advice is to not do this with the goal of getting her to say yes. Do this to put yourself out there! Do this to make yourself proud and come out of your shell 🙂

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