I’ve been at my job for 2 years and a couple of months . I get along great with my coworkers and we are a wonderful team . Great relationships at work but it never goes any farther than that . We are also all the same age group and all have the same social goals and career plans. You’d think this would be the perfect qualities for make at lest one friend. Two of the girls asked me first if I’d like to go out drinking and I agreed , never got a text . I figured it be weird for me to bring it up as they invited me . It looks like they are all interested in each others lives and all hang out together outside of work … They say I’m a funny , goofy person , I’d say I try my best to be authentic. I also try my best to make small talk , but not one deep connection , what am I doing wrong ? I know we don’t go to work to make friends but atleast one isn’t too much to ask for

Any help ?

  1. Great question, ive pondered about that myself for sometime too. Does your work organise teambuilding or after-works? Might be an ‘easy’ way to get to know each other on different aspects than work. If not perhaps you could suggest it to your boss, i believe since covid that managers/ bosses/ … are more recipient for such things.

    Hope this helps a bit 🙂


  2. I haven’t been able to make work friendships work for more than a few years other than 1 that I remained friends with after changing jobs. IDK if it’s me but I find they cause extra tension and then working with them becomes difficult. Maybe I’ve just had a bunch of immature and jerk coworkers. It’s frustrating.

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