Met a guy at a bar. We chatted all night and he said come back next Thursday! So I did. At first when I came back he wasn’t very friendly but then he warmed up and we talked the whole night. He asked me out for the next day and I said yes. We had a great first date. Even though he gave me a hickey I didn’t want.

On that date he planned the next 2 dates with me. Also told me he would bring me flowers he likes to get for the next date.

A couple days rolls around and we go on the second date. He brought the flowers. I had a deadline due that day at work and was super tired and stressed all day. I told him this. So I wasn’t very chatty. We ended up making out and he kept saying things like “you’re so beautiful” “I could get used to this” etc as we’re making out. I felt really awkward so just smiled and kept kissing. He also wanted to give me another hickey and wanted me to give him one which I said no. He still kind of gave me one anyway.

He didn’t text me when he got home. Didn’t text me all the next day. The day of our next date rolls around and I didn’t hear from him. At all. Not even cancelling. This is really odd to me since he already had a time set for that day and all the plans? Couldn’t even cancel?

Tl;dr A guy ghosted me after this weird behavior.

  1. If you said no and then he did it knowing you did not consent, then that is a huge red flag. Him ghosting you is good luck. It means you don’t need to worry about how to get a dangerous person out of your life.

  2. You asked him not to do something and he did it anyway and you want him?

  3. Why are you more concerned about the ghosting than you are about the fact that this guy could have very easily sexually assaulted you?

  4. I think you’re missing the biggest flag that he doesn’t take no for an answer.

  5. I would count it as a blessing in disguise… he’s playing games. Also notice how many times he crossed boundaries? I see some red flags, already defining things without much input from you, doing things you don’t want or give consent to, playing hot and cold. I’m not saying he’s a bad guy but there’s definitely some red flags here, he could just be overzealous and trying to get in your pants or start a relationship or he could be a creep either way if he does contact you again it would be nice if you explained your concerns maybe not in person tho. Good luck

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