Why do so many men write in all capital letters?

  1. Working in certain trades, and writing on schematics, order forms, and all sorts of different style paperwork, is all done in all capital block lettering.

    I denote capitals and lowercase by the size of the letter, ilke my capital A vs my lower case ^(A)

  2. I am in engineering and it is expected for my work. It is much easier to read handwriting in all caps. Now I do it for all aspects of my life because it is just better.

  3. If you have poor cursive handwriting, printing in capitals helps the reader decipher what you wrote.

  4. I write in all caps when it’s important – not because I’m trying to get a point across, but my handwriting is too sloppy othersie. When writing in all caps I have to slow down, so it is much easier for everyone (including myself) to read.

  5. Why do we have capital letters? To enforce importance on the over the lower case. Sounds like something the white patriarchy came up with to me. LcLM!

  6. Why do men tend to write smaller than females? Even in cursive, I can almost always be right when a guy’s writing is… not so much less loopy or “skinnier”, but more boxy or pointy? Dammit! I can’t explain!

    I’m female, when I write in cursive I have never been able to successfully slant my writing despite getting my knuckles rapped my nuns. My handwriting is always part cursive, part print – even in the middle of a word. If I can post an example picture I will. It’s larger than average but really does not take up more than a line-space on lined paper. On unlined paper, it’s about that size. I really don’t make any letters “loopy” (I wish I could explain better) and it still looks “fat and bubbly”.

    Guess I just explained my writing to see if there’s a contrast or distinct “feminine” look to my writing bc most everyone assumes I’m female.

    OTOH, people assume my son has “girly” writing but he’s an artist so I don’t know. His is sort of like cursive you learn in early school (well, my English teacher mom taught him) but it just spreads out. He’s got a flourish on every letter that goes below the line and all capital letters. Hard to explain. He’s also an artist who draws gaming and comic characters with a heavy emphasis on anime and fantasy style but also “dark”. That may be part of it?

  7. My dad does this. No idea why. Seems slow and awkward to write in block letters like that.

    I don’t know if it’s a common thing among men generally or not. Haven’t really heard that…

  8. common in architecture and engineering since its easier to read, it goes back to when blueprints were done by hand. even in modern CAD drafting all caps is the norm.

    outside of work i usually write all caps if i write print because my handwriting suuuuuucks and its easier to read.

  9. Why do people ask questions that have no basis in reality? WHO REALLY KNOWS BUT HERE WE ARE.

  10. Not sure, but been doing it since I got out of school. They taught us cursive, but that never stuck. Somehow printing in all caps just worked more naturally for me.

  11. Probably ex military.

    I’m ex military and that’s how I write. That’s how you’re taught to write to remove any confusion caused by sloppy handwriting.

    A will always be an A. But a, o, e, etc. can look similar. L is L but l could be a capital i or a lower case L

    I write numbers differently as well. Lines through zeros to indicate they aren’t capital o’s. Lines through sevens to make sure no one mistakes it for a lazy Z.

    In fact, I’m pretty sure there are lots of technical fields that also use this method to clarify written communications. IT professionals do it when noting serial numbers on equipment.

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