Talk to someone at the gym? At Mcdonals line? Or the brewery? Thanks

  1. I don’t really go out of my way to do it in person. I have to for work but most of my interactions take less than a few minutes. My partner is really the only person I have conversations with daily, and that works for me. Reddit is more about expressing myself and finding interesting thoughts and things. I’m not a very social creature in general.

  2. I work in an office so I’m forced to talk to them about something or other, I go to a meet up on Wednesdays for one of my hobbies and I see mates/family on weekends.

  3. I pin down my gf, get two inches from her face, and ask her opinions of a random vegetable off the top of my head

  4. Coffee after Mass is always interesting.

    Checking on how everyone is doing, jokes, deep conversations….. every day is different.

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