So I have given up on dating for a bit, need to focus on myself. I have deleted all apps, I did manage to make a friend though off one of those apps and I think he is my friend. But recently idk if he sees me in a more romantic view, and this is where I need help. My friend mentioned guys don’t usually talk to girls daily if they are friends, he has a given me my own personal nickname, and we have plans to go do fun stuff. And the other day I needed a hug because something bad happened, he talked me through it and gave me a hug, since then he hugs me instead of giving me a fist bump like we usually would do to say goodbye. What I need help is understanding as I suck at this… but I don’t know if he likes me or we just good friends. Either way I don’t care but I don’t want to make a mistake and lose a good friendship. He is a good guy even though he talks a lot (which I like he does however annoy other especially other girls I have been told), heck he has even agreed to a bet I asked about getting in shape and is all for it. Never once has he told me I need to lose weight others have, but loved the idea when I asked him. So my question is how do I go about this and not lose whatever we have… I am just so lost…

  1. The story you told seems you have “something” strong, I would suggest not to put any labels for a while until yiu guys are certain of what you really want.

    But for a guy giving constant attention it’s probably he feels something for you, and maybe he didn’t confront because he is a bit uncertain, so give yourself the time without any fast moves, and if you felt something just say it… life is too short to play around I guess..
    hope it’s helpful and good luck with that

  2. I’m a man and I hug every single one of my male and female friends when I see them and when we part ways. I hug family members as well. I don’t think that’s weird or a sign at all. He likely feels closer to you now because you opened up to him and a hug now becomes more appropriate. With that said, if you are really friends, you should be able to talk about this. Just tell him that you really appreciate his friendship and want to make sure that’s all he wants as well. Do it in person so you can gauge his response. Hopefully this isn’t the big deal that you think it is.

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