So yesterday morning he woke me up with coffee. And he did the dishes.

For context this year has really been rough on my physical health. I’ve found out I have osteoarthritis in my feet. Atopic dermatitis. Then I also found out I have a pinched nerve in my lower back. Which has been causing me a great deal of problems. I walk side to side like I’m drunk. I don’t drink alcohol at all. It’s been throwing off my equilibrium. It doesn’t happen all the time but when it does it’s horrible. I got a MRI scan later on this month to determine what’s causing the pinched nerve. Had to wait since July to get this scheduled due to issues with health insurance. Had to jump threw some loop holes. It was a pain.

Anyways due to the pinched nerve it’s hard for me to bend over, and stand for long periods of time. So when I clean our home I have to do it in sections in small amounts. Spread the days out due to how bad it is. Some days I get out of bed with my feet hurting so bad that I have trouble walking when I first wake up and get out of bed. If I lift anything heavy best believe I’m going to feel the pain right away.

He works 40 plus hours a week. I’m a stay at home wife. No kids. So I appreciate his help in making my life a little more easier more convenient and little less stressful. Our home has all tile and hardwood floors. So he sweeps and mops everything because my back cannot handle it. He does dishes on his day’s off. Helps out with whatever he can when he is off work or isn’t busy. I just want to say how much I appreciate him. I saw the dishes done and it brought me tears to my eyes.

1 comment
  1. My dog had OA and my mum as well. Boswellia helps with a supplement that has glucosamine, chondroitin and msm.

    Glad you have such a great husband❤️

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