I’m 32F, and I’ve been getting hit on more and more by guys in their early/mid 20s. I’ve never hooked up with a younger guy, and something about it feels… scandalous? And society seems to be largely torn on age gap hookups/relationships (I’m not looking for a relationship tho). So what’s an appropriate age gap?

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  2. If you are both grown, consenting adults, who cares..? I’ve had relationships etc with men 10 years older than me and I of course got a few strange looks but if I’m into it then I don’t care what others think. I think as long as your partner is of age and you don’t mind the gap then it doesn’t matter

  3. Age is just a number. All you should care is if they’re legal age . That’s it. Rest after that is just a dick or a pussy.

  4. As long as they are over 18, legally it’s two consenting adults. So don’t worry about it. Just be safe.

  5. I (41f) get hit on by younger men frequently. If you’re both consenting adults, age gap doesn’t really matter

  6. I will just point out how when I was growing up woman always complained that sex was all men wanted. These 20yr olds “just want sex, any sex”. So if you are ok with that. This is not about the double standard argument. Don’t do anything because you should be able to or because they do. Respect yourself and decide for yourself. That is all that matters.

  7. Nothing is scandalous in a 10 year age gap. You both are still babies at that age. 40s you need to start hanging with your own generation. Lol

  8. Yea its fine as long as u r comfortable with the person. I am 43. I have been with guys in their twenties lol. Might be a disconnect in terms of life experience. But that would depend on the person.

  9. If you are both of legal age then there’s no problem. Sounds like you just need to discover what your limit is, because the only person you need to convince is yourself. I’ve seen college boys hook up with 60 year olds.

  10. Good for you! Go for it! If you are both adults, there is nothing wrong with consensual fun!

  11. Glad you asked this question. Men always get absolutely destroyed if they suggest a big age gap on Reddit. Refreshing to see someone else genuinely asking about it and also feeling the scandalous scrutiny that society throws onto that. If you connect you connect – so long as no one is being hurt – abused or anything horrible like that I don’t see the issue. But maybe I’m wrong?

  12. Up to the person. I like older guys in their 30s and im 19. It makes them look creepy in public

  13. Younger guys tend to have more stamina. Go for it. I’m 33F and I’m not really into older guys. I’ve gotten attention from mostly younger guys too. I have hooked up with two guys older than me out of my 10 guy body count, but it was only by a year they were older than me.

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