i’ve (24 years old) recently started talking to someone who lives a few states away from me. he’s Japanese (and 29 years old), so take it into consideration about their mannerisms!
it wasn’t even a full month until he decided to fly out to my state and spend the weekend together with me. i’m a very independent girl, but he offered to pay for everything and even when i tried, he wouldn’t allow it. he even paid for both of us to see a baseball game together!
he remembered my likes and dislikes, always caught him staring at me, and was very polite in general.

it was only for 2 days he visited, but he made the most out of it for us!
do you think he likes me?

he’s been very busy with his job lately, which i understand completely. he also doesn’t text back quickly, but i heard many Japanese people aren’t too big on texting! it’s not like how in America, most of us are on our phones most of the day.

thank you for any reply!

  1. So, he visited you for 2 days, he treated you to everything, remembered your likes and dislikes, stared at you, yet you’re not quite sure if he likes you??

    If you were watching this movie, what would your conclusion be?

  2. Sounds like it’s going well, but starting a relationship with someone from a different state seems unnecessarily complicated

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