What are your thoughts on dating apps and their ability to help one find lasting love and solid relationships? Can you please share your opinions and experiences, if you’re comfortable doing so. I’m conducting research on this topic, and all input is appreciated.

  1. I met my current partner on a dating app (OKCupid) and we’re coming up to 5 years. Several of my other relationships before that came from Tinder or OKC. They can deliver sometimes but nothing comes with a guarantee.

    The important thing is to set reasonable expectations. Apps don’t get you dates, they’re just an avenue for discovering more people who are actively seeking dates that you might not otherwise meet. Also their priority is to get money out of you above getting you a date. But if you can understand that, and you can apply realistic expectations, then yes, they deliver.

    It will still be down to you to do the work of being a person who’s worth dating, and it will still be down to you to make that relationship work. Apps don’t change that, they just marginally increase your visibility.

  2. They deliver for a large portion of people. Something like 50% of people who start dating now did now because of dating apps.

    But they don’t deliver the goods for everyone. One study showed that for men, only about 20% of those who had used dating apps reported being successful. But keep in mind there’s a huge difference in people. Some guys try dating apps for 1 day, and conclude it doesn’t work for them. Others spend many months or years trying to make dating apps work, and they try all kinds of pictures and tactics. If course these people are much more likely to obtain success compared to those who instantly gave up.

    How likely dating apps are to work for one person is largely based on their looks. But it also has a LOT to do with their ability to learn and adapt to this new way of meeting people. People who take a learning approach are much more likely to succeed. And having a lot of grit also helps. Perseverance despite repeated failure.

  3. You have to know exactly what you’re looking for in another person to be able to go through hundreds of profiles and say “this one.” You also have to know how to write about yourself and your expectations.

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