So it’s a long story but I will try to explain it.

I’ll call my male bestfriend as Jack and the girl he loved as Judy for the ease of explanation. No one knows the whole story except us three. I made this account today only to tell this story here as Jack also uses my original reddit id.

So, Jack and I met in college 2 years ago in 2021. I was immediately attracted to him due to his personality and wanted to date him, so I asked him out. Jack agreed and we started dating. But he loved judy who was his bestfriend since 2019, he was friendzoned basically by her for the longest . She didn’t wanted to date him no matter what but they were close and she knew that he loves her. So when judy saw him getting close to me, she cut him off. And while they were in no contact, judy’s female bestfriend sends jack screenshots of their talks that how judy loves him too and they can’t be together because of their different castes. And jack broke up with me to pursue judy. (I was given some random reason of breakup)

But he still wanted us to be friends coz we were good friends even before we started dating. I found forgiveness in my heart coz I knew he is not a bad person. So I agreed to be friends but wanted some space from him to which he agreed. Meanwhile Judy still didn’t wanted to commit but didn’t want him to date anyone else to which he agreed too.
Eventually we started coming close as friends. We used to share things, care for each other unconditionally from both sides and advice and helping each other in difficult times. We became each other bestfriends, he told me about why the breakup happened and every thing about Judy (I knew about her as his bestfriend he loved and she didn’t but not all these details)

Till now it has been almost 1 year since we broke up and I was still in love with him…too much love to say. But he saw me as a dear friend. I tried to date other people but couldn’t feel for them so I just confessed everything to Jack and told him to not give a response back coz I knew what his response will be. So he just listened to me patiently and told me to hug him next time we meet. We remained closed friends enjoying each other’s company.

Now fast forward to this weekend, we were just talking over the phone. And I just asked what’s up with judy and you? Any progress? To which he replied that he is not in contact with Judy for a long time, from even before the day I confessed and i asked him ‘why? What happened?’ And he told me everything.
To my surprise him and judy were talking about me a few days before the day I confessed to him. She asked him what went on between us two while we were in the relationship to which he answered everything truthfully. After which she asked him to cut me off from his life and not remain friends with me if he wants to be in a relationship with her. AND he replied ‘ok bye’ to this and blocked her from everywhere, the person he loved for so long. Since that day, she has tried to reach out from fake accounts once or twice but he never replied. He also told me u are the angel god sent to me to keep me safe. Couldn’t lose you for a person who was being so selfish.

Now I was almost in tears listening to this coz I never thought he would do this. Whenever he talked about judy, it felt like no one can love her more than him. And he did all this when he didn’t even knew that I loved him. I don’t actually know what to say. it’s just I love him unconditionally and can do anything for him and I know he will do the same. He’s still getting over her and I want to be as patient with him as possible so he can deal with everything in hiscown pace.
He deserves all the love in the world and I will never leave him no matter what. I just wanted to get this story out. Thank u everyone for reading. Ur opinions are much welcome.

Tl;dr – My bestfriend cut off the girl he loved since forever because she asked him to cut me off. And I am feeling really blessed to have a person like him in my life.

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