I (24f) have been seeing this guy (26m) for about 10 months now. We both got out of relationships a year ago and started casually hooking up soon after. He got cheated on & I was in a tumultuous abusive relationship so I didn’t think anything serious would come of it but here we are 10 months later hanging out practically everyday. I like him a lot. He is horrible about talking about his feelings like genuinely struggles with it. I do too but not nearly as bad. A few months ago he finally admitted he liked me. We often talk about plans in the future, doing things together, being each others wedding dates, ect.

I finally asked him recently where this is going, told him how I felt, and what I wanted from this relationship. Back to my point again of him being horrible about expressing his feelings he really didn’t say much in the moment which hurt my feelings because i too have a hard time saying how I feel but I grew a pair and spoke up and was met with not of lot of words. Like he was physically stuttering.I caught him off guard but still?? He knew I was upset and texted me the next day that he wants to be part of my life and obviously really likes me.

Fast forward we go on a trip with friends. We are out at the bars and one of our friends starts getting in an altercation. My guy jumps in and stands up for our friend. They didn’t fight but it almost came to blows. I didn’t like the situation fighting/arguing in public is not okay to me. I was visibly upset at him and he knew it. But they were all drunk and things happen. On the walk home from the bars literally walking past homeless people he goes “so you want to be my girlfriend?” I told him are you really asking me this right now? I told him I was upset with his and this is not the time or place and to ask me another time. He said okay. That was weeks ago. He hasn’t mentioned a single thing about the conversation.

I question if he likes me because he is not good with words. He tells me he obviously likes me he wouldn’t hangout with me every single day if he didn’t like me. I’ve met his parents. He is sweet to me, tells me im funny, im cool, im cute, ect. Would do anything for me and honestly the nicest guy I’ve ever been with. It seems as if he does everything through actions. But I need words like actual words to reassure me and I don’t know how to tell him that or if I do tell him is he capable.

I also need to have the conversation about the fact he asked me to be his girlfriend and has never said anything since. Like it has truly hurt my feelings? Im in no rush to be in a relationship or have the title as we are committed to eachother but I would like some reassurance that this is heading somewhere someday at least. Or be commutative that you need more time or whatever it is. And I want to let him know this has hurt my feelings and is making me question how he feels about me. I just want some communication.

Im not sure what to do or how to approach this. It’s hard to talk to someone and be vulnerable when they can’t talk about their feelings.

He asked me to be his girlfriend after a fight while drunk. I told him not the time or place and he has never mentioned the conversation again. I am struggling with this and how he feels about me overall because he is bad at expressing himself. I’m not sure how to approach this.

  1. Just talk to him about it. It’s beyond comprehension to me that you could date that long and this hasn’t come up outside that one time? But maybe I’m just overly insecure and like to know what’s going on 😂

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