What experiences with a childcare worker like teacher or pediatrician get you scrutinized or judged more, from the perspective of being the dad?

  1. My child is in daycare at the moment, so far I haven’t had any judgments.

    What judgments are you getting? What made you ask this?

  2. Buddy of mine just adopted with his wife, he’s black and the little guys white, so he gets all kinds of Karens asking the kid who the man is, and all the kid knows is “That’s daddy!”. But he says the only place people understand and don’t pry is at the doctor and school.

  3. Nothing gets said, but there are times they are visibly surprised that I’m going to be the one doing regular pickup/dropoff, when I ask them to call me before my wife, things like that.

    And then the little actions like how they never call me first anyway.

  4. I get no judgements, not out loud anyways, but from the way I speak naturally I think it’s that people just don’t want to deal with me.

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