What is something you were once good at but not anymore?

  1. I beat the future French Open tennis champion when I was young in tennis, now I can barely beat old ladies at the club (i am undefeated for the record with the old ladies).

  2. Snowboarding. I was pretty good for a weekend warrior. But too many drunken falls down the stairs in my 20’s caught up to me

  3. Chess. Used to play in tournaments as a kid. Got to state a few times but we moved and puberty set in and family life wasn’t stable. So I never followed through.

  4. Reading, I used to read multiple novels a week and remember everything that happened. Now I read a page and feel like I have no clue what I just read.

  5. Driving cross country at night.

    Hated it from day 1, but the new LED headlights from oncoming traffic make it too dangerous now.

  6. Skateboarding. I use to be pretty decent for a kid in the 90s (could do 360 flips). Now I just ride around and manual and Ollie the couple times a year I get on my board.

  7. Music. I started playing guitar at 4, teaching at thirteen, and had a record contract at seventeen

    Fell into drugs shortly after, had over a decade long career, and haven’t picked up an instrument since choosing to be sober nearly six years ago

  8. Drawing. I used to be an illustrator, but I couldn’t make enough money, so I joined the army. Haven’t kept up practicing and lost it. I still try to participate in inktober, though. That usually helps.

  9. I’m gonna say drinking, I used to be able to drink and maintain an even buzz throughout the day. My last bender I hit a wall, became a wreck and lost everything. I’m happily sober now.

  10. Woman here – Sex. I’m guessing. I stopped exercising with covid & now I’m a mess. 🙁

  11. Woman here – Sex. I’m guessing. I stopped exercising with covid & now I’m a mess. 🙁

  12. Doing the splits, I lost that around 22 years old. Now I can get close but butt to ground eludes me.

  13. Plotting courses and navigating via paper charts. I’m good with electronic charts but not so much paper.

  14. Tolerating amusement park rides. I can’t join my kids on the rides because I get sick FAST. I used to really love them.

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