Long story short and u may be able to see previous post by me. (Over 10yrs of marriage)

My husband and his friends are organizing an event next month. So today he tells me, “remember about next months event. I’ll take the kids for a bit then drop em off. So don’t even start .”

I said “well, u don’t care to listen , if u listened ud understand that I am worried about ur drinking anytime u go out with ur friends. Every weekend. You getting drunk. That’s not healthy for you. The kids and I need you. U also just organize family events or whatever th case May be and don’t even invite me. Of course bc I am going to tell u to take it down a notch.”

He laughed and said it was all in my head , how he takes care of everyone, helps with the kids, bills are paid.

Mind you. I went back to work and I’ve been paying my fair share too. I just feel so freaking invalidated. His dad passed n I just feel so alone. As if no one can help him see it the way I see it.

He said there’s an after party so don’t expect me home until late…..

Guy will just rub of on me like I’m just a sex machine….. I hate it.

I feel like he doesn’t respect my concerns.

I don’t mind him going with friends but I hate hate seeing him in such state of mind. He’s not the touchie type in public, but when he’s drunk he tries to touch me in an uncomfortable way and make some inappropriate comments, sometimes belittling or TMI about us in front of others.

I feel so hurt, I’m scared my son and daughter will look up to dad and think it is ok to get drunk every chance they get.

I stay up worried as he won’t text or call. Drunk friends have brought him over which defeats the purpose of drinking and driving. He will act nothing happened and say it’s all in my head again. I feel like I can’t vent to anyone 🙁 it truly sucks.

  1. You’re not alone and I will be the one to validate your feelings. My husband does the same and it sucks.

  2. If you are concerned about his drinking you will get more help at r/AlAnon or at real life Al Anon meetings.

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