There’s this girl (20F) that I (25M) have met on Instagram. Originally she hit me up because she wanted me to join an online group that she is a part of, (mutual interest) and I didn’t mind this at all. The group is online through zoom, it’s totally legit, I’ve been a few times. Everyone in the group seems cool and I’ve really enjoyed it. (I haven’t seen her yet, we go on different days)

I thought she was very attractive, but I had no intentions of trying to hit on her or even befriend her. She followed me first, and even watched/commented on my story. She initiated casual conversation first, and now we’ve been talking pretty often for a couple of weeks. Her replies are often relatively short but seem decently interested. At times it feels like I’m doing most of the work in the conversation, but if I stop talking to her, she always initiates the conversation again in a day or less to ask how I’m doing, she even double texted me a couple of times when I didn’t reply quickly enough. (Also I’m American, she’s Romanian, it could be a language barrier but Idk)

I just don’t know what to make of this. I guess we just get along well? Despite how weird this is, I don’t have any genuine reason to believe any of this is fake, I’ve looked into it pretty deeply. I just don’t know what her intentions are. But she seems genuine and like a sweet person at least on the surface.

(And for the record, the other people in the group are average looking, just regular people. Even those who have invited new people, they have all been normal looking, and both men and women, all around our age or a tad older. I’ve mostly seen guys inviting guys, and girls inviting other girls. No one else seems to have the same thing going on that we do)

Also we’ve sent voice memos, and she wants to call me tomorrow, and we have each other’s WhatsApp (because she asked). I’m going to suggest video calling.


Chick on IG dm’d me to join a group on zoom due to a shared interest, I’ve been and group seems cool, girl and I have become cool, she’s very attractive, and I don’t know what she wants but she won’t leave me alone now.

  1. What do you want out of this? Do you just want to do your zoom group meetings and that’s all, or are you interested in her? Because if she lives far away (in Romania?) then I don’t think there’s much of point to pursuing something beyond friendship.

  2. It sounds like you want something magical to happen. You are very confused. It sounds to me like she just wants an online friend.

    I have a few online friends that I have no intentions of ever meeting IRL. I have chatted with some people, but some bore me due to their lack of effort in having a conversation so I just cease talking to them

  3. This doesn’t seem weird, nor does it seem like she has any particular “intentions” – it just seems like she’s making normal friendship gestures toward you. It could be possible she’s open to some sort of long-distance relationship but I certainly wouldn’t assume that based on anything you’ve said here.

  4. What’s your question ? She seem to be friendly. If you don’t want to be friends don’t entertain her. If your question is ”Is she flirting with me” … probably not. But you can shoot your shot if you want to try.

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