Glimmers are the opposite of triggers. Microdoses of happiness that bring you joy ✨

  1. My garden, my son, my husband, the blue sky, great smells, sunshine in the window by the breakfast table, cashmere sweaters… I really lean into enjoyment of the senses, and humor. If I get down, I start to list what I’m grateful for, and that really helps right my perspective.

  2. Cats, hummingbirds, sunshine at the beach, ice cream, flowers, guinea pigs squeaking, my motorcycle, the ocean, Date night.

  3. Damn!

    Smell of the rain after longer hot and dry period. Sunshine entering my apartment (plus feeling those warm spots on the carpet with my bare feet). Completely rolling down windows when driving in a car (Plus if it’s night and I’m not wearing a bra, which allows me to feel the air on my chest). Sound of those strong dark green tree leafs hitting each other on summer wind. Holding hands with man with huge palm. Watching dark cloud take over the sky, right before huge storm. Watching how moonlight “dances” on the river. Smell of the naked chest if the man that I like. Laying down in a bed on those new fresh cold cotton non-strech sheets. Hug. Sharp autumn morning air in the mountain village (and warm spearmint tea with honey). Walking on the sandy beach, right where water starts and felling how wet sand changes its shape underneath my toes. Prolonged sound of a thunder in the distance when you try to understand where it comes from. Stray animals wanting your attention. Walking through untouched snow and crunching sound of it under your boots.

  4. When I see someone with a bouncy walk.

    When I find a good snack at the back of the fridge/cupboard that I forgot I had.

    When I fall asleep with damp hair and wake up and my curls are not frizzy.

    When I parallel park and get it perfect first time.

    The period of time between finishing a good book and starting the next one where I can reflect on it.

    Finding a tasty recipe and I magically have all the ingredients at home and don’t have to go out to the store.

  5. I’m autistic and these are some of my triggers that give me the most amount of serotonin

    – touching moss, specifically the longer, bushy ones are my favorite

    – finally finding a squishmallow that i’ve been looking forever for

    – when you pet a cat off guard and they do that little “brr?” noise

    – when you’re petting a cat and they get so happy that they start drooling everywhere

    – when kids become curious and ask me about my cane, it’s so cute to me

  6. guilty gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐʸ ᶠᵃᵐᶦˡʸ ᶦ ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ

  7. that’s such a cute concept

    for me it’s being alone in an empty space where i can sing my heart out

  8. My boyfriends cats. I could watch them all day and anything they do is interesting and fun to me. They will be laying on the floor just sleeping and I will be happy. Even when they do stupid things like climb on stuff they shouldn’t be on its funny to me.

    Also seeing my boyfriend sleeping peacefully. He radiates a feeling of comfort and calmness.

    Same thing when he gets home from work, I always run up and greet him at the door.

    Dogs that are being walked. Any kind of dog, I love them.

    Seeing my mom party also. She is a bigger party animal than me and no party is a real party if she isn’t there yet. Her careless attitude shows in her dance moves if you get what I mean.

  9. Knowing my divorce will be final in 20 days. My kids hugging me. Driving through town and not hitting red lights. Beautiful sunrises & sunsets.

  10. Animals

    When I can lay on fresh sheets after a hot shower

    Good food, especially sushi

    Dresses with pockets. Any time I can find one, I gotta put both hands in the pockets and do the swish lolll

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