Apparently you could submerge the Eiffel Tower or the population of the world several times over into Loch Ness. I mentioned this to a friend tonight, who said that the population of the world could also all stand on the Isle of Wight.
Surely not!?!

  1. Population of the world: 7.888 billion (in 2021, according to Google)

    Area of the Isle of Wight: 380.7 km^(2)

    Therefore, each square meter of space would need 21 people to fit into it. Each person would need an area of around 22 cm by 22 cm to stand in. I couldn’t fit into a space that size.

  2. Isle of wight is 4,18 billion square feet, earth population is 7.9 billion so that’s slightly less than 2 people per square foot, so I doubt it

  3. The ‘stand on the Isle of Wight’ fact was popular in the 60’s, when it was true, as the world population was only 3 billion. There’s a novel by John Brunner called “Stand on Zanzibar” that explores what life would be like on a planet so over-populated that you’d need the island of Zanzibar to fit everyone on.

    World population is now about 8 Billion so you could comfortably fit everyone on Resolution Island in Canada, but that’s neither a snappy nor readily recognisable name. We could go with Martinique in the Caribbean – that would give everyone about a square meter each.

    Average human has a volume of about 75 litres. so 8 billion of them would be 600 billion litres or 0.6Km^3. Loch Ness has a volume of 7.4Km^3 so you could drown the whole of the worlds population in there and still have good odds that you could swim for an hour and not hit a body.

  4. What would happen if every single person on the planet jumped at the same time? Would we cause an earthquake?

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