I am an avid weightlifter and I recently moved to a small town. I keep seeing people form my gym everywhere, in pubs, in supermarkets etc.

It is the sort of thing that never happened in the city.

I feel kind of weird not acknowledging their existence, especially when I feel like I can sort of tell them “know my face” as well. But I also feel like it would be weird to say hello or nod or something.

What is an appropriate way to acknowledge them if I see them around without being a weirdo? I don’t know many people here so I’d like to be able to show I’m friendly whilst giving them the option to approach me or repricoate without outright approaching them out the blue…if that makes sense.

At the moment it’s easier just o not acknowledge them but it feels rude

  1. You don’t need to if you don’t feel like it, think of it this way, they’re being rude not talking to you too! Mutual rudeness hah!

    But if you do want to engage just smile at them someplace else and then approach them during wind down or something and strike up a chat, mention its funny how you keep meeting and ask them about their session e.t.c proceed however you like after.

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