I’m moving to UK next year, I would like to know how are average people deal with Spanish people, if they usually have some prejudices about us or something.

  1. Have known a few Spanish people and it depends where you live. A few areas outside major cities have a vocal minority that can be a bit anti-*anything other than us* (which the “anything other than us” people notice more when living there than when on holiday)*,* but Spanish is probably just about the most accepted nationality.

    They’d probably ask where and if it’s an area with any tourism they might be familiar with it.

    Weirdly, for a country that is probably the one most people have visited at least once, I don’t think we have any massive stereotypes about Spanish people specifically. Flamenco, maybe? Bullfighting? I’m struggling here – they won’t come up in conversation unless you’re talking to someone drunk and over 60.

    Actual Spanish people living in the UK will give a better answer, of course.

  2. I don’t think Britsh people have problems with individuals from specific countries as a nation but certainly not Spanish people. So don’t worry your unlikely to find someone who is still angry about the Spanish armada or inquisition and if they do they are just making a monty python joke.

  3. We love Spanish people! With the tapas and flamenco and rioja and passion and eating late, what’s not to like? Maybe don’t mention the bull fighting though.

  4. Yeah, its unlikely you’ll have any issues. Spaniards are pretty well respected across the country – we have good relations on all levels (well, except the G word… which you should avoid!).

  5. Absolutely tons of Spanish people in London, or Spanish speaking at the very least, but I know a few people from Madrid, Cadiz, Barcelona, it’s quite popular to come here I think. Brighton too. Good guys, work hard for a living and don’t stand out particularly (this is a good thing really) so yeah…you’re very welcome!

  6. Is there any country in Europe that would have any prejudice towards Spanish people? Maybe the Portuguese? I think some Northern Europeans consider Spanish people to be a bit lazy but I don’t think that’s ever been much of a thing here

  7. Considering the amount of British holidayers and immigrants in Spain, I think you’re well within your rights to tell them to fall off a cliff if you get any grief!

    Can’t say I’ve ever heard any prejudice towards the Spanish.

  8. Trying to think of what, if any, prejudices/stereotypes there might be and I suppose for women there’s the “fiery” and hot-headed one. I worked with a Spainish girl who did live up to that a little, absolutely lovely but you wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of her!

    As others have said, there are many people here from all over Europe and beyond, most people will treat you no differently to anyone else.

  9. You won’t have any problems. I have never met anyone who says they don’t like the Spanish.

  10. I think that we’re mostly biter and envious, I mean you have wonderful weather, glorious beaches and beautiful people with lovely accents..

    Be prepared to have people say “I bet the weathers warmer in Spain” a lot, but in all seriousness you’ll be absolutely fine and welcome,e for when you do arrive.

  11. Don’t mention Gibraltar, don’t mention the Falklands, but aside from that you’ll be fine. Anti-Spanish sentiment in the UK basically does not exist. I think it’s only your hardcore racists / xenophobes who have an issue with the Spanish.

  12. Oh trying to get us to let our guard down so you can steal the Falklands again eh? I know what ur up to 😤

  13. Loads of Spanish people in London. People actively like them I think. Like Australians, just a basic 🙂 when thinking about the country/people.

  14. I don’t think you will have any problems at all.

    Just be prepared for loads of people in December asking something like… “Why did you move here when our weather is so shit most of the time”

    Oh and people telling you about “that time” they went on a lads/girls weekend to Benidorm.

  15. The only anti Spanish stuff I have ever heard is this year from a mexican colleague. He doesn’t speak highly of the Spanish, usually variations on the theme of the Spanish shitting in milk. ???

  16. It may have changed but when I worked in Notting Hill many years ago, it felt like most people were Spanish. There are/were some great Spanish restaurants there and a Spanish supermarket selling Spanish products (if you miss home cooking!)

  17. Yeah I think we like Spanish people, just make sure you bring the weather with you and don’t mention Gibraltar and you’ll be all good Amigo! I hope you have a great time here 👍🏻

  18. There’s tons of them in the bigger cities particularly London, a lot of the youth moved here due to the unemployment issues back in Spain.

  19. No problem at all.

    Remember the British are the whipping boys of the world who “everyone hates, and who hate everyone”

  20. Yes, British people like Spaniards. The prejudice is only the other way because of the way Brits behave on holiday in Spain.

    You might encounter jokes about you sleeping a lot and having siesta even if you don’t lol. Also, some people are a bit stupid and think Mexico is in Spain or some shit. I’ve heard this twice in my life.

    Animal activists don’t like the bull run but that’s really specific and obviously not all Spaniards do either.

    A lot of British people know some random Spanish words too for some reason so they might try use them with you to be welcoming or joke with you. Words like amigo, arriba, señor(ita), nada, hola, andale, cerbeza, “me llamo”, probably some of the words to La Bamba.

    If you’re from somewhere touristy like Valencia some people might even be familiar with the same places as you!

    Genuinely can’t think of anything else. You’ll be sound

  21. I think the vast majority of British people have no animosity towards Spanish people. Most people here are used to foreigners from around the world living in the UK, especially in the the cities and larger towns.

  22. We have too many cultures to be prejudice towards one. You’ll always encounter discriminants, but as a whole, the UK is generally quite welcoming to whoecer comes here.

    The only prejudice I have thb, is that spanish speaking countries shouldnt be allowed near sports. As soon as you find one, you dominate it 😅

  23. Depends. If you are a jerk they will ignore you. The odd thing is, if they like you they are likely to tease. Listen. If they are as rude to you as they are to each other, you have been accepted

  24. You’ll be just fine 🙂 just be aware that we don’t eat our meals as late as you do, or for as long as you do.

  25. Well that would be pretty hypocritical

    “The monarchies of England (and later the UK) and Spain have been linked since the 12th and 13th centuries when King Alfonso VIII of Castile married Eleanor Plantagenet in 1170 and King Edward I of England married Leonor of Castile in 1254”

  26. Never met a Spanish person ever in the UK, not that I was aware of at least. We tend to attract Eastern Europeans more, I’ve got a few Latvian mates, never seem to meet Western Europeans or Americans.

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