I can’t stand when people type “Should of” or “Could of”.. It’s SHOULD HAVE or COULD HAVE

  1. People who pronounce it ‘nucular.’ It’s nuclear. New-clee-ur. It’s just how it’s spelled!

  2. Bad parking,

    misspelled words on marquees,

    then/than misuse,

    barking dogs,

    people broadcasting music in public spaces (not like in store music, but like individuals at a park or campground),

    people calling names or giving put downs instead of actually arguing a point.

  3. People that send multiple one line text messages in rapid succession that could be consolidated into one or two paragraph messages. As an example, this is a regular conversation with my fiancé:

    “Hey babe! Love you.”

    “How was your day?”

    “I have to tell you what happened at lunch todsyy”



    “Are you going to the gym at 6 still?”

    “I want chicken nuggets”

    “Will you grab some on the way home”



    Literally all within 30 seconds and there’s times I’ll open my phone and see 13 missed messages from her haha. I know it’s how her brain works and she’s basically just texting her thoughts out loud to me but good lord woman hearing my phone ding non-stop drives me crazy!

  4. People who watch TV while driving.

    People who don’t put seat belts on their children.

    People who walk in busy places while looking at their phone (I saw one woman in the city today walking on a busy train station with a phone in each hand, looking at them at the same time)

    Politicians and racist black vans shouting at tired commuters through megaphones.

    People who get to the end of escalators and just stop, blocking everyone else.

  5. Improper use of They’re/Their/There.

    Pseudoscience peddlers (Especially flat-earthers)

    Any kind of argument supporting that 28 Days/Weeks later is a zombie movie.

  6. They’re probably thinking of “should’ve” or “could’ve” but aren’t actually thinking about the pronunciation.

    I have a particular distaste for those that try to convince me of a point or opinion that nobody asked about, then get angry when a legitimate counterpoint is made. So, I guess most of the internet grinds my gears?

  7. People who act overtly concerned and condescending when it comes to other people’s safety, but don’t actually have a clue what they’re talking about

    A good example was when people were thinking that hurricane Ian, which was causing the water to recede in Tampa Bay, was going to cause tsunami like effects in Tampa as the hurricane was making landfall way to the south. They were yelling and screaming at the “morons” out walking around but had no idea that they were in fact the idiots who had no idea how the physics of a hurricane work and couldn’t be bothered to take geography into consideration

    Another good example might be someone viewing a person trying to scare off a cougar with loud noises and making a comment like “it’s never a good idea to yell at wild animals”… no, Karen, that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do

  8. Don’t impede the flow of traffic, ie… driving in a lane right beside someone else and nobody can pass you.

    Making super slow left hand turns at lights and nobody else gets to go, or a very small amount of people when much more could have.

    People at work that want to ask me how my day was or weekend. Doesn’t matter let’s just download whatever information we need from each other and move on.

    Guys that fart real loud in public urinals. In the bathroom is fine. Also men that want to talk to me in the locker room or bathroom at all.

    People that try and talk to me when I am working out.


    And probably my biggest pet peeve is people who are late to shit all the time.

  9. People watching videos on their phones with the audio on in public (almost always people under 20 or over 50).

  10. Someone walking close behind me with a wheeled contraption such as a shopping cart/trolley, pram/stroller, or in a car when I am walking in the parking lot. I feel like they’re gonna ram it into my ankles. Wheelchairs are fine.

    Slow walkers in public and couples/families or groups that take the whole width of the footpath/sidewalk or shopping aisle.

    Loud, rambunctious, and crying children.

    People who stare, like get a hobby or something.

  11. My number one pet peeve is when people make things more complicated than they have to be.

    Camping in the left lane – especially those AHs who attempt to justify it by saying “I’m doing the speed limit.”

    Letting their children scream and run around uncontrolled in public.

    Having a conversation on speakerphone in public.

  12. Women who smoke and drink heavily while pregnant

    Out of control kids in public spaces

    “I could care less”

    Religious hypocrites

  13. Mis-timed traffic signals. You told us to drive near the limit, we do just that and you…give us six reds in a row while Douchey Joe Streetracer gets greens?

  14. The word is biased. I’m tired of seeing “I’m based.” Based on what?

    To, too, and two – yes, they’re different.
    They’re, their, and there
    It, its, it’s
    I’m sure there are others I can’t think of in the moment.

    I get we all make typos, but don’t use a word when you don’t know its meaning.

  15. Running weird.

    I know it’s not a valid measure of someone’s quality as a person, it just weirds me out in the moment when someone tries to run and just like… can’t do it normally or pseudo-athletically in any way.

    It just feels like such a basic human thing that my brain short-circuits for a hot second.

  16. As a gamer, I can’t stand when people say it’s just a game but they come into a mode where people are expected to put in effort. Like a rank or rating mode. They have just a game modes.

    When someone wants to ask me something and they do everything but ask me the question directly. “I wish I had some water right now.”

  17. Driver’s tailgating me so hardcore and there’s a wide fuckin open lane to the right or left of me. Then when I put my blinker on to switch lanes, suddenly the tailgater snaps out of whatever fuck they were doing to me and realizes there’s a wide open lane to there right or left as well.

  18. People who expect me to show up early for stuff….I hate waiting so nope

    Slow drivers

    People who are rude to wait staff

    People who but in line/queue

  19. People who half ass their job because its retail or low paying etc…take pride in your work smh.

  20. Honestly, OP, the ironic thing is that my pet peeve is people getting uppity about spelling and language. That shit evolves, the rules are guidelines. Very, very, malleable guidelines. I know what someone means when they say they should of done something. Plus it’s the phonetic pronunciation of “should’ve” so you should really be directing your anger at whoever invented contractions.

    Imagine going to the 1500s and asking someone “What’s up?” They’d look up and be confused what you’re asking them to look for in the sky.

  21. Not being able to make a decision. Are you hungry or not, tired or not? Gonna actually do that thing you said or not… fuck off already.

  22. Seen (“I seen that on TikTok”)

    Aesthetic (“This room is so aesthetic”)

    Saying “I could care less” when trying to say they don’t care

  23. Fast-moving people walk single-file or double-file, shoulder-to-shoulder.

    Slow-moving people walk three or four wide, with just enough space between them to take up the whole hall or aisle, but not enough space to go between them.

  24. If the speed limit is 45, please drive 45. Not 25. I’m not asking you to go *over* the speed limit! I’m not asking you to drive like you’re on the German Autobahn. Just – please – get somewhere close to the speed limit, whatever it is. If it’s 35, for example, try to hit 35, if you can.

    Also, if you’re in line at the grocery store, please don’t talk on your cell phone and ignore the cashier . . . and then, at the end of the transaction, start freaking out about coupons, or things ringing up at the wrong price, or whatever. Put the phone down and pay attention. Please.

  25. I wished you had said something earlier.

    That way I could of changed my reply earlier. I should of been more considerate. That way maybe you would of not resorted to posting this.

    Aaaaight I’m out.

  26. People who lack situational awareness.

    Walking while glued to your phone? Fuck you.

    Turn your shopping cart sideways in the aisle? Fuck you.

    Have that disaster you call a face turned *not* in the direction your feet are taking you? Fuck you.

    Stop on a busy street to let out one car, causing a three mile backup behind you? Fuck you to death. Repeatedly. Bonus death fucks if your charity case car has to cross three more lanes of traffic, thus requiring three more clueless assholes to stop and shut down the whole ass road.


    Edit: forgot a big one. If you’re one of those “I only use my phone at red lights” people, fuck you. Stop. You don’t have the cognitive capacity for breathing and scratching yourself at the same time, let alone swiping Tinder and paying attention to your surroundings. People like you who need three seconds to extract yourself from your dopamine fix and press the gas pedal are partially to blame for traffic backups.

  27. Drivers who treat their car stereos like sound bombs. Drivers who slow down before signaling that they’re turning into a parking lot.

  28. Chewing with your mouth open. Drives me nuts. Biting or picking at your nails. That’s like nails on a chalkboard to me. Lastly I hate when a YouTuber bases their channel on how much money they have. Showing off their sports cars, big houses, vacations etc. But then they have a car crash, medical bills, or legal fees and they beg their fans to pay. Can’t stand that

  29. People who drive slow in the fast lane! Get out the way!!!
    Also, hypocrites…just why be like that!!

  30. Valley girl accent/upspeak. Every statement sounds like a question. “So my name is beCKYYY?” Bro Idfk are you asking me if it is?

  31. People who are perpetually late. Say they’ll be there at 7, they’re there at 7:15. Say they’ll pick you up at 6:30, they’re there at 7. I’ve started telling one of my friends that plans start a half hour earlier than they do so he shows up on time.

  32. Ppl that make a promise & never actually do it. Like keep your word & if you cant then dont say shit!

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