Men how do you cope the mourning of a relative. What would be your advice for a girlfriend to be there for her man in such a hard time ?

  1. It differs person to person, obviously, Me personally I don’t like talking about it and would prefer to think about it when I’m alone so I would ask for space on the topic

  2. Time really is what it takes. When I lost my dad it was just nice to have my wife with me. Staying busy after to keep my mind off it. Don’t need to ask how we’re doing. I think most guys shelter their feelings and it doesn’t really need to be brought up unless the guy wants to talk about it.

  3. Mourning is harder when you are young, meaning you don’t reallycare as much except for the week it happens. but i have a guy who is 7 years older than me, (I have known since I was 21) and he always tells me how my life will be when I am his age (he is around 60). He told me “once you hit 55, someone dies every year you are close to”. I prepared for it, and he was right. It is your besties parents, or friends from cancer etc. it hit a little less hard because I was expecting it. 4 people died in the last 30 days, and 2 or on deck with Hospice. Sad, but it is our reality, take care of yourself best you can.

  4. Time. It took me two years to mourn my parents. My spouse helped by moving on to the next phase of her life. It looked appealing and so I did the same.

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