Just here to rant… I (21)F has a very high sex drive and unfortunately I got married to my boyfriend whom and I didn’t have the opportunity to explore or discuss our sex life prior to the wedding. He feel horny only in the morning and just bang me without having a minimum inmate.I asked him so many over this over last 8 months of our marriage and every single time he turned down saying not now or he is not in the mood or too tired.So today at night before sleeping I directly asked him to have inmate with me not bang me as I’m on period. He just gave me a brief lip kiss and told me to suck him off. He quoted “Idc if you get hurt it’s your responsibility as a wife” . Idk how should I feel right now. Is it normal? He isn’t cheating nor has intentions to cheat. He used to watch porn sometimes and watched 5/6 times while being married. I’m just not understanding why he is like that? I might have to live rest of my life without thinking about my pleasures or needs . And he doesn’t like when I self pleasures or the idea of it.

  1. No not normal, if you love somone providing them pleasure should feel good to you, this should be mutual.

    If he cannot forfil your needs this relationship is doomed.

  2. Both of you needs counseling. These issues needs dealing and adjusting yourself to each others need.

  3. You got married too young and you got married to an asshole. Start with that reality and then figure out what you want for your life from there.

  4. You should really consider divorce. Why would you marry someone without talking about sex first?

  5. Look like you don’t know who is your husband. You should communicate more. It is his Duty to make your confortable as a husband.
    If he does not understand that, you should consider breaking up…

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