I’m 18 years old and I’m very scared of people not liking me. I constantly think about whether what I do is socially acceptable to the point where if I am watching videos by myself I’ll think to myself whether my reaction is socially acceptable and not weird or bad. I’ll sometimes gaslight myself into thinking that it was bad making me feel guilty at times. I have a problem making friends as I try to fit in to a group that I think is cool, because I don’t want to be seen as being the weird guy. I’m heading into University this term and I want to be able to make real connections although I don’t know if I’ve ever had this my whole life.

  1. One life advice I can give you here, you dont want to fit in with the group you see as
    ‘The cool guys’. You will always feel inferior or out of place.

    Instead, try to be as natural and positive as you have in you. And be open to talk with everyone, dont make exclusions based on social status.

    Hope this helps a bit in a way 🙂


  2. People can sense desperation and faking which will only make you a target for bullying. My best advice be what you’re scared to be. Instead of trying to fit somewhere that’s not meant for you maybe you’ll find a group where you’re able to be comfortable and fully yourself. Trying so hard to be something you’re not is draining and it gets you nowhere and it can actually injure your self esteem more.

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