What’s the difference between a personality of a dominant person and one of an aggressive person

  1. Dominance meets people at the curvy edges of their boundaries. Aggressive guy doesn’t give 2 shits what your limits are, they pummel right through it.

  2. Someone dominant either already has control or willingly stores it without surrendering it.

    Someone aggressive constantly fights for control no matter what.

  3. I’m a dominant person, but I’ll take feedback and adapt and use communication.

    Being aggressive imo is more causing damage and not thinking things though properly.

    An example would be….errr…if a group of people don’t want to suggest dinner places and I step up and give suggestions of my favorite places that we can go to. I’m taking over the situation and providing options I like (dominant).

    Aggressive would be everyone gives suggestions but no matter what people agree with I’m only advocating for what I suggested, even though nobody else wants what I chose. Forcing them into a corner.

    You kind of have a vague question, but that’s what I think.

  4. I saw good answers here. But I’ll add one detail that I didn’t see others mention, that I think is key.

    A dominant person is someone that others can naturally submit to. It’s not forced. People get aggressive, typically, because they can’t command that level of control naturally. So, a dominant person can lead others to follow, while an aggressive person just makes people want to run away.

  5. Liking to have power has nothing to do with being violent as an individual. I would be more interested in someone answering to me what do they have in common.

  6. A dominant person has a natural gravitas to take control of the situations that are within his means. Aggressive people try to seize control of situations regardless of whether they’re within the person’s abilities/means

  7. Dominant to me is more about leadership and taking control but still listening to others and taking feedback in a constructive manner than causes others to have respect for them. It’s about the attitude.

    Aggressive person could be either a good or bad thing depending on how they go about it. You could have an aggressive attitude such as a salesman for example that doesn’t take no for an answer and works around objections. On the other had you could have someone that is simply aggressive that doesn’t listen and only cares about themselves and what’s in it for them.

  8. A dominant person will say “this is what’s happening, you can enjoy it with me or leave”. An aggressive person will say “this is what’s happening, say a word and I’ll punch you in the mouth”.

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