During my three-month internship, I formed a strong bond with my coworkers, who have become the closest friends I’ve made in years. However, I am preparing to leave the company by the end of this week. The dilemma lies in the fact that I have fabricated elaborate reasons for my departure. While there were some valid issues with my work visa, I exaggerated them to an extent that I find hard to believe myself. The truth is, I have secured a new and significantly better position. Unfortunately, due to the contractual obligations of my internship, I couldn’t leave voluntarily. Thus, I resorted to concocting reasons that seemed “out of my control.” The new job offers a salary four times higher and is located in a more desirable city.
Despite our close relationship, I can’t help but anticipate feelings of resentment from my coworkers once they discover the truth. If I were to continue following them on social media or interact with them in person, it might create an uncomfortable atmosphere. I fear they may perceive my actions as a lack of respect and interpret my departure as a desire to abandon them. Should I simply move on and sever ties, or should I take a leap of faith and continue to engage with them? They have expressed interest in connecting on social media before, but at that time, I didn’t have any accounts.

  1. That depends on whether you’re willing to maintain an honest relationship with them and accept the consequences of your dishonesty. If so, go ahead and attempt to connect.
    If you plan to keep being dishonest with them over social media, save them the trouble and sever ties because the world needs no more dishonesty.

  2. I would advise not too, unfortunately social media is not the place to keep friendships with coworkers or really anyone for that matter anymore. I have found that it is destructive and has been causing more problems in relationships personally and professionally.

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