I (19f) had a boyfriend, even tho I had to leave me him because of some of his behaviours I remember that I loved having intercourse with him and even if it wasn’t very easy to have an orgasm it still felt amazing. I tried a week ago to have sex with a man again, but even if he was more gentle and had a good size I didn’t feel at all that enjoyment that I felt the first time, it felt less mind numbing and it wasn’t that pleasurable. Has it happened to anyone? Could it be the shape that differs? Maybe it was ghirty enough but not long enough? I’m confused because I didn’t have any penetrative sex after my ex (not even with toys). If anyone has noticed differences on having intercourse with different men I’d value a lot your experience. I’m pansexual so perhaps my sexuality has shifted a little bit with time?

  1. Yes, sex is going to be different with each person. You have a different comfort level, different dynamic, or different levels of arousal and all these impact how sex feels. It’s also true that the shape can impact how it feels, vaginas and penises all come in different shapes and sizes, and not everyone’s anatomy “works together” so to speak.

  2. From a Male perspective here. I’ve been with my wife 7 years and we have had kids. Even our sex is different all the time. Sometimes she’s incredibly tight to the point it almost hurts my dick. And sometimes she feels really loose. Like the others mentioned above. There are a lot of factors how turned on you are, how much forplay was there, sometimes you will be wetter and sometimes dryer, sometimes he may not be rock-hard and some times he will be. Different positions also play a role in these. All of these factors play a role in what feels best for each of you. Enjoy your new guys and let’s hope you get to experience all the different sensations of sex and let’s hope one of these times he blows your mind unlike you have experienced before. Don’t be discouraged just yet.

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