I have one friend but thats only because we’ve been friends before uni. My friend has been able to make tons of friends already and I feel like an awkward friendless loser. The most I’ve been able to do is just awkward small talk that is initiated by me 99% of the time. I’ve attended frosh week and orientation and haven’t made friends there. It kinda feels like people have their friend groups already which just makes me want to give up. I feel like crap. How is everyone able to make friends except me?

  1. You should start getting involved in clubs & events on campus that align with your personal interests! You’ll have an opportunity to meet people who are into the same things as you & it’s probably going to be easier for you to start conversation about things you’re passionate about. You’ll be in your element.

    I also suggest going to these events more consistently ‘cause the more people recognize you, the more likely they’ll be to start conversation with you.

    You could also see if your friend is open to introducing you to some of the people they’ve met.

  2. Wait, you’re in Week #2 and everyone has “their friend groups already?” It might *seem* that way, but it’s impossible at this point, unless they’re highschool friends who went to the same college.

    Anyway, it seems your main problem is lack of confidence and maybe not putting the right vibe out there.

    Here’s an article I wrote to help get you started:

    ###[Do YOU Have Good Friendship Traits?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPRForYourSocialLife/comments/13jp5gv/pick_me_do_you_have_good_friendship_traits/)

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