There is a guy M28, I 24F work with (we are from different companies) working on the same project. I see him twice a week in meetings and initially I found him quite average but after observing him for a few months really strong feelings crept up. I’ve liked him since October 2022, dropped him a hey on fb in Jan but he ghosted me for a week, i unsent the text. I still had feelings for him and I kept ignoring them hoping they would go away but they didn’t, my friends convinced me to drop a “hey, how’s your week been” last week and we’ve been talking since. But he isn’t asking me a lot of questions or dropping a good morning … as in he’s not pursuing me at all. It seems unlikely he would ask me out on a date, it seems I’ll have to ask him. He’s said he’s never been in a relationship before and he finds it hard to like people. I only texted him cause in my gut I felt he liked me too, I’ve seen him staring at me multiple times, while talking he knew who was sitting in front of me in this weeks meeting. My dad also works with us lol 😂 and he knew who my dad was ( most dont), and when I initially texted him the first thing he said was “is xyz your dad 🫣”. Lmk your opinions.

  1. I think he’s shy. I also think he might be nervous about dating someone from work. Honestly you should be too.

  2. I think he’s disinterested personally. Not asking questions or initiating texts sounds like someone being polite because they have to be, not because they really want to talk to you.

    Especially since he ignored you at first.

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