What are some examples of their shenanigans ?

I’ll start – just heard today a Floridian man tried to cross the Atlantic in a hamster wheel, got caught by the coast guard and got arrested for threatening them and obstruction of boarding after a standoff.

(Tho personally I don’t see an issue w letting him cross the ocean to go to London I f that’s what he wants to do even tho I don’t think it’s a very smart way of transportation.)

Link to definition if you don’t know


  1. In Romania, it’s Vaslui man : here some headline examples:

    Fed up with loneliness, an old man from Vaslui sat down on the asphalt to be run over by cars: “Just let me die already!”

    A thief from Valsui called the 112 (our 911) and said he was kidnaped and forced to break in and steal from a store

    A 15 years old teen rapes a 57 years old man , and than stole 5 lei (around 1 euro) from him and fled.

    A man from Vaslui thought that the metal detector had discovered a real treasure, but he found three bombs

    Vasluian man who sparred with tiger at Zoo thought he was actually fighting a cat.

    Mother, 37 years old, and daughter, 15 years old, pregnant with the same man! Amazing case in Vaslui! “She stole her boyfriend”

    Rape in Vaslui. He saw his ex-girlfriend carrying dung with a cart and couldn’t resist the temptation

    Also, Vaslui is one of the cities with highest rate of criminality in Romania

  2. I never heard of a ‘Florida man’. The closest thing we have are the countless stupid Belgian jokes which portrays our neighbors as stupid (I am sorry dear neighbors).

    An example; a Belgian man is watering his garden. His wife walks outside and tells her husband; ‘you better hurry before the rain starts’.

  3. We have /r/limburgman

    Though I don’t think the analogy is perfect.

    [Limburg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limburg_(Netherlands)), like Florida for the US, is a bit of a geographical appendix to the Netherlands. It is also, perhaps as a result to an extent, rather culturally divergent from the rest of the country. In the previous century Limburg was home to the Dutch coal mining industry, around which most of the relatively prosperous regional economy revolved. When the coal mines were closed in the 60s and 70s, however, this prosperity came to an end, and Limburg entered a long period of economic hardship, like post-industrial regions in many countries.

    So all in all Limburg is perhaps more akin to something like the American south, a region with its own distinct culture, which they feel is looked down on by the rest of the country. Left behind economically when the local industries collapsed and many young people sought better fortunes in the cities in the west.

    Finally, a translation of some current posts in the Limburgman subreddit, to get a flavor:

    Limburgman climbs up church tower and tolls the bells for hours
    Limburgman leaves cocaine lying around in kindergarten
    Limburgman steals campervan and drives into river

  4. In Ukraine, we don’t have a specific region, but we have an aggregator called regionalities that posts ridiculous local news like (translation):

    * In Dnipropetrovs’k region, a court fined a woman UAH 850 for biting her friend’s lip
    * Department of Architecture of Chernivtsi City Council offers vacancies with a picture from Minecraft
    * A woman is on trial in Rivne region for stealing 20 roses from a soldier’s grave and giving them to her daughter-in-law for her birthday

  5. The closest equivalent is problably [vantaalaismies](https://www.reddit.com/r/vantaalaismies/), Vantaa man. I don’t know why Vantaa, though. Probably because the city doesn’t really have an identity. It’s one of three big cities in the capital region. Helsinki, being the capital, steals the show. Espoo is where wealthy people live and big businesses are located. And while Espoo is in many ways similar than Vantaa as both ar basically just extensions of Helsinki, Vantaa doesn’t really have anything that makes it stand out. When the city itself doesn’t stand out, then it’s the people living there.

    While many stories are nothing too crazy, there are two stories I want to point out. Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/mina_irl/comments/yusg9u/min%C3%A4irl/) Vantaa man who is casually carrying a bazooka. Or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Suomi/comments/slfyc7/simolla_on_ihan_ok_pointti_mutta_eik%C3%B6_t%C3%A4t%C3%A4_varten/) Vantaa man who’s having a sauna in the middle of the main street of Helsinki during Convoy Finland protest. And hey, our favourite Eurovision runner-up [Käärijä](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C3%A4%C3%A4rij%C3%A4) is a proud Vantaa man.

  6. I think the closest thing we have is that Randers is considered a “”trashy”” town for some reason? Like there’s memes like “breakfast in Randers” and then it’s a Mokai (basically like a Bacardi breezer). I have no idea why this is or how this joke reached all the way to Copenhagen, where I doubt more than 5-10% of people have ever visited Randers.

  7. You know this was coming so, in Italy we have a say: “It could’ve happened everywhere, still” to point that every (or almost) thing borderline legal or just crazy things happen in Naples or surroundings.
    Note that also Calabria Man is its own character that, sometimes, pop up to steal the spotlight from the average Neapolitan man, but happens rarely but WHEN it happens, oh boy, brace yourselves for a very good story ahahah

  8. We have r/MannAusSachsen, “Saxonian man”, with headlines like “Saxonian man beats up three with a toaster”, “Man from Saxony chops off three fingers to fake a crime”, or “Saxonian man causes Autobahn traffic jam with gummy bears” within the last month or so.

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