everytime i enter a new community/environment its always hard for me to connect and make meaningful relationships with the groups there. there’s like a wall between me and people. i dont know if its related to the introvertedness inside me, my shy nature and self-consciousness, me being afraid of exposing my vulnerability, or as a side effect of failures in past social experiences. i envy those who can easily joke and tease each other after some brief moments, meanwhile people just dont seem to be that interested in me. is it just my social skills or does it go down into my subconscious mind? what can i do to fix this bummer?

1 comment
  1. It’s hard to connect with people to whom you find nothig in common. Those who are good at it, tend to notice stuff that both people have in common.

    And people don’t seem intetested in you because they don’t see anything they could connect with you about.

    I prefer connecting over a common activity (like suggesting playing a boardgame), this way you already have a thing in common – the activity. Which should ease the communication a bit.

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